var htmlString = "This is the massive HTML string - it has lots of characters "FindStringDetails"<123789456.123456> This is a massive HTML string - "
var findString = "FindStringDetails\"<"
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import Foundation
var htmlString = "This is the massive HTML string - it has lots of characters \"FindStringDetails\"<123789456.123456> This is a massive HTML string - "
var findString = "FindStringDetails\"<"
extension String {
func matchingStrings(regex: String) -> [[String]] {
guard let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: regex, options: []) else { return [] }
let nsString = NSString(string: self)
let results = regex.matches(in: self, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, nsString.length))
return results.map { result in
(0..<result.numberOfRanges).map { result.range(at: $0).location != NSNotFound
? nsString.substring(with: result.range(at: $0))
: ""
let m = htmlString.matchingStrings(regex: "\(findString)(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)")
print(m[0][1]) // 123789456
print(m[0][2]) // 123456