Google Maps Json序列化

时间:2017-04-21 16:15:18

标签: json unity3d serialization deserialization

我正忙着尝试对从Json格式的Google Maps API收到的信息进行反序列化。



C# -

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using AUP;
using System.Collections.Generic;

//-- John Esslemont

public class rCade_GPS : MonoBehaviour
    public Action OnComplete;

    private GPSPlugin gpsPlugin;

    public Text gpsStatusText;
    public Text latitudeText;
    public Text longitudeText;
    public Text speedText;
    public Text altitudeText;
    public Text bearingText;

    // new 
    public Text accuracyText;
    public Text distanceInMetersText;

    public Text timeStampText;
    public Text nmeaText;
    public Text Json;

    private Dispatcher dispatcher;
    public GEO resultFromServer;
    public float Longitude, Latitude;
    public string URL;
    public string FromServer;

    IEnumerator Start()
        OnComplete += Deserialize;
        // First, check if user has location service enabled
        if (!Input.location.isEnabledByUser)
            yield break;

        // Start service before querying location

        // Wait until service initializes
        int maxWait = 20;
        while (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Initializing && maxWait > 0)
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);

        // Service didn't initialize in 20 seconds
        if (maxWait < 1)
            print("Timed out");
            yield break;

        // Connection has failed
        if (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Failed)
            print("Unable to determine device location");
            yield break;
            // Access granted and location value could be retrieved
            print("Location: " + Input.location.lastData.latitude + " " + Input.location.lastData.longitude + " " + Input.location.lastData.altitude + " " + Input.location.lastData.horizontalAccuracy + " " + Input.location.lastData.timestamp);
            Longitude = Input.location.lastData.longitude;
            Latitude = Input.location.lastData.latitude;

        SA_StatusBar.text = Longitude + " ;;;; " + Latitude;
        // Stop service if there is no need to query location updates continuously

    public void RequestGEOLocation()
        SA_StatusBar.text = "GPS : Longitude is :: " + Longitude + "Latitude :: " + Latitude;
        GetHumanReadableVersion(Latitude, Longitude, "API KEY");

    public void GetHumanReadableVersion(float longitude, float lat, string apiKey)
            URL = "" + longitude + ',' + lat + "&key=" + apiKey;
            URL = ",-1.517228&key=API KEY";
        SA_StatusBar.text = "Result URL IS " + URL;

    public virtual IEnumerator WebServiceRequest()
        WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
        WWW wwwRequest = new WWW(URL);

        yield return wwwRequest;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(wwwRequest.error))
            FromServer = wwwRequest.text;
            Debug.LogError("Error On Page : " + wwwRequest.error);
        else if (wwwRequest.text.Length > 0)
            FromServer = wwwRequest.text;
            if (OnComplete != null)
            FromServer = "Null";
            Debug.LogError("We got no responce from the server");

    public void Deserialize()
        Json.text = FromServer;
        resultFromServer = JsonUtility.FromJson<GEO>(FromServer);

    // Create Json encoder to take the long and lat for conversion 
public class address_components
    public string long_name { get; set; }
    public string short_name { get; set; }
    public List<string> types { get; set; }
public class location
    public double lat { get; set; }
    public double lng { get; set; }
public class northeast
    public double lat { get; set; }
    public double lng { get; set; }
public class southwest
    public double lat { get; set; }
    public double lng { get; set; }
public class viewport
    public northeast northeast { get; set; }
    public southwest southwest { get; set; }
public class northeast2
    public double lat { get; set; }
    public double lng { get; set; }
public class southwest2
    public double lat { get; set; }
    public double lng { get; set; }
public class bounds
    public northeast2 northeast { get; set; }
    public southwest2 southwest { get; set; }
public class geometry
    public location location { get; set; }
    public string location_type { get; set; }
    public viewport viewport { get; set; }
    public Bounds bounds { get; set; }
public class results
    public List<address_components> address_components { get; set; }
    public string formatted_address { get; set; }
    public geometry geometry { get; set; }
    public string place_id { get; set; }
    public List<string> types { get; set; }
public class GEO
    public List<results> results { get; set; }
    public string status { get; set; }

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