Python Twisted文档

时间:2017-04-21 06:49:51

标签: python twisted


@see: L{IReactorCore<twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorCore>}
@ivar called: A flag which is C{False} until either C{callback} or
    C{errback} is called and afterwards always C{True}.
@type called: C{bool}

Compute the allowed methods on a C{Resource} based on defined render_FOO
methods. Used when raising C{UnsupportedMethod} but C{Resource} does
not define C{allowedMethods} attribute.

有谁能告诉我字母C,L是什么样的C {bool},L {IReactorCore}意味着@see,@ ivar,@ type是什么意思?

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这是Epydoc markup




内联标记构造L{text<object>}用于创建指向其他Python对象的文档的链接。 text是应该为链接显示的文本,object是应该链接到的Python对象的名称。如果您希望使用Python对象的名称作为链接的文本,您只需编写L{object}``

Twisted fields使用的are listed in its documentation generator@…)取决于Epydoc,pydoctor:

@param (synonym: @arg)
@raise (synonym: @raises)
@return (synonym: @returns)
@rtype (synonym: @returntype)
@see (synonym: @seealso)