CentOS服务器gunicorn [关键]工作者超时

时间:2017-04-20 16:55:00

标签: python mysql flask

我在线部署时在我的Python Flask应用程序中出现此错误。它正在使用localhost但在CentOS服务器上出现此错误。

 Exception _mysql_exceptions.ProgrammingError: (2014, "Commands out of sync; 
 you can't run this command now") in <bound method DictCursor.__del__ of 
 <MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor object at 0x1f7ead0>> ignored


    cur = g.db.cursor() 
    cur.execute("select * from users") 
    destinations = cur.fetchall()
    destinations = [customer.copy() for customer in destinations]
    for customer in destinations:
        cur.execute('select SUM(minutes) as minutes from details where code=%s', (customer['id'],))
        customer['minutes'] = cur.fetchone()
        cur.execute('select start from details where code=%s order by id limit 1', (customer['id'],))
        customer['start'] = cur.fetchone() 

    return json.dumps(destinations, cls=DateEncoder)

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