
时间:2017-04-19 10:19:41

标签: mysql hibernate jpa constructor named-query

我正在尝试计算一些信息,并希望使用构造函数通过namedquery将它们插入到我的数据库中 这是代码:

@NamedQuery(name = PageEntity.FIND_ALL_PAGES_BY_TYPE, query = "SELECT DISTINCT new PageEntity
    (SELECT COUNT(sc) FROM SectionContentEntity sc, PageSectionEntity ps WHERE ps.section.archived = false AND ps.page = e AND ps.section = sc.section), 
    (SELECT COUNT(sc) FROM SectionContentEntity sc, PageSectionEntity ps WHERE ps.section.archived = false AND ps.page = e AND ps.section = sc.section AND sc.desktopEnabled = false AND sc.mobileEnabled = false),
    (SELECT COUNT(sc) FROM SectionContentEntity sc, PageSectionEntity ps WHERE ps.section.archived = false AND ps.page = e AND ps.section = sc.section AND sc.desktopEnabled = true),
    (SELECT COUNT(sc) FROM SectionContentEntity sc, PageSectionEntity ps WHERE ps.section.archived = false AND ps.page = e AND ps.section = sc.section AND sc.mobileEnabled = true), 
    (SELECT COUNT(ps) FROM PageSectionEntity ps WHERE ps.section.archived = false AND ps.page = e),
    (SELECT COUNT(ps) FROM PageSectionEntity ps WHERE ps.section.archived = false AND ps.page = e AND ps.mobileEnabled = true),
    (SELECT COUNT(ps) FROM PageSectionEntity ps WHERE ps.section.archived = false AND ps.page = e AND ps.desktopEnabled = true)
) FROM PageEntity e  WHERE e.archived=false AND e.removed=false AND e.pageType IN (:pageTypes) ORDER BY e.id"),


<pre>java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: The transaction has been marked rollback only because the bean encountered a non-application exception :org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException : Your query on type &quot;class com.moutawadia.seekeane.bu.bo.model.country.cms.page.PageSectionEntity&quot; with filter &quot;SELECT new PageEntity(e.backendId, (SELECT COUNT(ps) FROM PageSectionEntity ps WHERE ps.section.archived = false)) FROM PageEntity e WHERE e.archived=false AND e.removed=false AND e.pageType IN (:pageTypes) GROUP BY e.backendId&quot; is invalid.  Your select and having clauses must only include aggregates or values that also appear in your grouping clause. while invoking public com.moutawadia.fwk.jee.model.json.exchanges.ResponseJSON com.moutawadia.seekeane.bu.bo.services.entrypoint.country.cms.webstrategy.page.CountryWebPageWebService.findAllPagesByType(com.moutawadia.fwk.jee.model.json.exchanges.RequestJSON) with params [RequestJSON [action=null, executedByApp=, executedByUser=, executedByDevice=, backendId=, args=[MAIN]]].

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