There was an unexpected error. Msg: TypeError: testCase.debugContext.currentCommand(...) is
Url: chrome://selenium-ide/content/selenium-runner.js, line: 239, column: 7
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Per Microsoft(强调补充):
此设置适用于开发人员,用于故意锁定 或者允许从任何程序访问VBA对象模型 自动化客户端换句话说,它提供了一个安全选项 为自动化Office程序而编写的代码 以编程方式操作Microsoft Visual Basic for 应用程序(VBA)环境和对象模型。这是每个用户 和每个应用程序设置,并默认拒绝访问。这个 安全选项使未经授权的程序更加困难 建立"自我复制"可能损害最终用户系统的代码。 对于任何人 自动化客户端能够访问VBA对象模型 以编程方式,运行代码的用户必须明确授予 访问。要开启访问权限,请选中复选框。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Option Explicit
Sub CheckTrustAccess_toVBAProjModule()
' display Windows Version installed on this PC
' Win7. (=6.1, 64bit)
' Win8 (=6.2, 64bit)
' Win8.1 (=6.3*)
' Win10 (=10.0*)
' MsgBox "Windows Version is: " & getVersion
Dim TrustAccess_VBAProjModule_Path As String
Dim TrustAccess_VBAProjModule As Integer
' ----- first check if "Trust Access to the VBA Project module is on ------
TrustAccess_VBAProjModule_Path = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & Application.Version & "\Excel\Security\AccessVBOM"
' check if Trust Access to the VBA Projct Module in the Registry is 1 or 0
TrustAccess_VBAProjModule = CInt(RegKeyRead(TrustAccess_VBAProjModule_Path))
If TrustAccess_VBAProjModule = 1 Then
' run your code here ...
Else ' need to auto-click the "v" by modifying the registry settings
' loop until Trust Access to the VBA Projct Module in the Registry is 1
' it might take time to modify, so use this instead of timers
While TrustAccess_VBAProjModule = 0
Call RegKeySave(TrustAccess_VBAProjModule_Path, "1")
TrustAccess_VBAProjModule = CInt(RegKeyRead(TrustAccess_VBAProjModule_Path))
MsgBox "Initiated VBA settings, please run the Export again", vbInformation
End If
End Sub
Function RegKeyRead(i_RegKey As String) As String
' reads the value for the registry key i_RegKey
' if the key cannot be found, the return value is ""
' Link : http://vba-corner.livejournal.com/3054.html
Dim myWS As Object
On Error Resume Next
'access Windows scripting
Set myWS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'read key from registry
RegKeyRead = myWS.RegRead(i_RegKey)
End Function
Sub RegKeySave(i_RegKey As String, i_Value As String, Optional i_Type As String = "REG_DWORD")
' sets the registry key i_RegKey to the value i_Value with type i_Type
' if i_Type is omitted, the value will be saved as string
' if i_RegKey wasn't found, a new registry key will be created
' Link : http://vba-corner.livejournal.com/3054.html
Dim myWS As Object
'access Windows scripting
Set myWS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'write registry key
myWS.RegWrite i_RegKey, i_Value, i_Type
End Sub