
时间:2010-12-03 16:00:34

标签: c# database properties windows-installer pinvoke

昨天我一直在搜索高低,寻找如何快速获得msi数据库的ProductVersion。大多数情况下,我发现使用WindowsInstaller COM包装器,虽然这完成了工作,我想通过pinvoke使用msi.dll实现相同的结果。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


C#Windows Installer COM库:

            // Get the type of the Windows Installer object 
            Type installerType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("WindowsInstaller.Installer");

            // Create the Windows Installer object 
            Installer installer = (Installer)Activator.CreateInstance(installerType);

            // Open the MSI database in the input file 
            Database database = installer.OpenDatabase(od.FileName, MsiOpenDatabaseMode.msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly);

            // Open a view on the Property table for the version property 
            WindowsInstaller.View view = database.OpenView("SELECT * FROM Property WHERE Property = 'ProductVersion'");

            // Execute the view query 

            // Get the record from the view 
            Record record = view.Fetch();

            // Get the version from the data 
            string version = record.get_StringData(2); 


    [DllImport("msi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    static extern uint MsiOpenDatabase(string szDatabasePath, IntPtr phPersist, out IntPtr phDatabase);

    [DllImport("msi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    static extern int MsiDatabaseOpenViewW(IntPtr hDatabase, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string szQuery, out IntPtr phView);

    [DllImport("msi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    static extern int MsiViewExecute(IntPtr hView, IntPtr hRecord);

    [DllImport("msi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    static extern uint MsiViewFetch(IntPtr hView, out IntPtr hRecord);

    [DllImport("msi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    static extern int MsiRecordGetString(IntPtr hRecord, int iField,
       [Out] StringBuilder szValueBuf, ref int pcchValueBuf);

    [DllImport("msi.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
    static extern IntPtr MsiCreateRecord(uint cParams);

    [DllImport("msi.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
    static extern uint MsiCloseHandle(IntPtr hAny);

    public string GetVersionInfo(string fileName)
        string sqlStatement = "SELECT * FROM Property WHERE Property = 'ProductVersion'";
        IntPtr phDatabase = IntPtr.Zero;
        IntPtr phView = IntPtr.Zero;
        IntPtr hRecord = IntPtr.Zero;

        StringBuilder szValueBuf = new StringBuilder();
        int pcchValueBuf = 255;

        // Open the MSI database in the input file 
        uint val = MsiOpenDatabase(fileName, IntPtr.Zero, out phDatabase);

        hRecord = MsiCreateRecord(1);

        // Open a view on the Property table for the version property 
        int viewVal = MsiDatabaseOpenViewW(phDatabase, sqlStatement, out phView);

        // Execute the view query 
        int exeVal = MsiViewExecute(phView, hRecord);

        // Get the record from the view 
        uint fetchVal = MsiViewFetch(phView, out hRecord);

        // Get the version from the data 
        int retVal = MsiRecordGetString(hRecord, 2, szValueBuf, ref pcchValueBuf);

        uRetCode = MsiCloseHandle(phDatabase);
        uRetCode = MsiCloseHandle(phView);
        uRetCode = MsiCloseHandle(hRecord);

        return szValueBuf.ToString();


答案 1 :(得分:6)

任何需要与MSI进行.NET互操作的人都应该使用WiX的DTF SDK中的Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller。这是一个非常干净的库,比尝试编写自己的库更好。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我无法得到@user529570 的回答对我有用,但这在 C# 中有效

    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Text;

    public static class Msi
        public static string GetProductVersion(string fileName)
            IntPtr hInstall = IntPtr.Zero;
                uint num = MsiOpenPackage(fileName, ref hInstall);
                if ((ulong)num != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot open database: " + num);
                int pcchValueBuf = 255;
                StringBuilder szValueBuf = new StringBuilder(pcchValueBuf);
                num = MsiGetProperty(hInstall, "ProductVersion", szValueBuf, ref pcchValueBuf);
                if ((ulong)num != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to Get Property ProductVersion: " + num);
                return szValueBuf.ToString();
                if(hInstall != IntPtr.Zero)

        [DllImport("msi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern int MsiCloseHandle(IntPtr hAny);

        [DllImport("msi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "MsiOpenPackageW", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern uint MsiOpenPackage(string szDatabasePath, ref IntPtr hProduct);

        [DllImport("msi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "MsiGetPropertyW", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern uint MsiGetProperty(IntPtr hInstall, string szName, [Out] StringBuilder szValueBuf, ref int pchValueBuf);