
时间:2017-04-16 09:27:41

标签: c# function unity3d




public class CameraScript : MonoBehaviour {
    public float cameraSpeed = 1;
    public float horizontalSpeed;
    private int spawnIndex;
    public float spawnNormPylonDis;
    public float spawnCoinPylonDis;
    private int currPosition ;
    public GameObject[] pilons;
    public GameObject spawnMainPoint;
    public Transform[] spawnPoints;
    public Transform[] coinsSpawnPoint;
    public float enamySpeed;
    private int currentPoint;
    public Transform[] pointPosition;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        //This spawns the Pilons.
        spawnMainPoint.transform.position = pointPosition [0].position;
        currPosition = (int) transform.position.z;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate () {

    spawnMainPoint.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (spawnMainPoint.transform.position, pointPosition[currentPoint].position, Time.deltaTime * horizontalSpeed);

    SpawnPylon (pilons[1],spawnPoints,spawnNormPylonDis,"Check function");
    SpawnPylon (pilons [0], spawnPoints, spawnCoinPylonDis,"Check the second function");

    GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().velocity = transform.forward * cameraSpeed;

    //the next if statements make the Pilons spawn randomly and corectly.
    if (spawnMainPoint.transform.position == pointPosition [currentPoint].position) {
    if (currentPoint == pointPosition.Length) {
        currentPoint = 0;

/*This function spanws the a GameObject randomly at a GameObject's position and it takes 2 arguments :
Argument 1: type GameObject 
         2: type Transform[]*/
void SpawnPylon (GameObject whatSpawn,Transform[] whereSpawn,float spawnDistance,string plm)
    bool hasSpawnedPylon = false;

    if (currPosition != (int)transform.position.z)
        if ((int)transform.position.z % spawnDistance == 0) 
            Debug.Log (plm);
            if (!hasSpawnedPylon) 
                //this makes the GameObject spawn randomly
                spawnIndex = Random.Range (0, spawnPoints.Length);
                //This is instantiationg the GameObject
                Instantiate (whatSpawn, whereSpawn [spawnIndex].position, whereSpawn [spawnIndex].rotation);
                //this makes shore that the GameObject is not spawned multiple times at aproximetley the same position.
                currPosition = (int)transform.position.z;
        hasSpawnedPylon = false;


enter image description here



enter image description here


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我测试了它,在某些条件下它可以正常工作。这个问题最有可能的是,你的spawnNormPylonDis和spawnCoinPylonDis是公共变量是在检查的同时,或spawnNormPylonDis是spawnCoinPylonDis的倍数,几乎与您的代码,你不能有spawnNormPylonDis 1。如果他们再在SpawnPylon功能因为它已经催生了一个。你自己评论说。

//this makes shore that the GameObject is not spawned multiple times at aproximetley the same position.
currPosition = (int)transform.position.z;

我用2和3的值测试了它,并且两个函数都被调用了,但是,如果它们都可以被整除,它将跳过第二个函数。(/ p>


if (currPosition != (int)transform.position.z)


void SpawnPylon(int index, Transform[] spawnPoint, float dist, string debug)
    if ((int)transform.position.z % dist == 0)
        //this makes the GameObject spawn randomly
        spawnIndex = Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length);
        //This is instantiationg the GameObject
        GameObject go = Instantiate(pilons[index], spawnPoint[spawnIndex].position, spawnPoint[spawnIndex].rotation) as GameObject;
        go.name = string.Format("ID: {0}", index);

private void SpawnMultiplePylons()
    if (currPosition != (int)transform.position.z)
        SpawnPylon(1, spawnPoints, spawnNormPylonDis, "Spawn1");
        SpawnPylon(0, spawnPoints, spawnCoinPylonDis, "Spawn2");
        currPosition = (int)transform.position.z;
