
时间:2017-04-15 01:17:45

标签: r list readline


m5a2                                                     A2. Confirm how much time child lives with respondent

                  type:  numeric (byte)
                 label:  BM_101F

                 range:  [-9,7]                       units:  1
         unique values:  8                        missing .:  0/4898

            tabulation:  Freq.   Numeric  Label
                          1383        -9  -9 Not in wave
                             4        -2  -2 Don't know
                             2        -1  -1 Refuse
                          3272         1  1 all or most of the time
                            29         2  2 about half of the time
                            76         3  3 some of the time
                            80         4  4 none of the time
                            52         7  7 only on weekends

m5a3                                                    A3. Number of months ago child stopped living with you

                  type:  numeric (int)
                 label:  NUMERIC, but 44 nonmissing values are not labeled

                 range:  [-9,120]                     units:  1
         unique values:  47                       missing .:  0/4898

              examples:  -9    -9 Not in wave
                         -6    -6 Skip
                         -6    -6 Skip
                         -6    -6 Skip


对我来说重要的是代号,例如m5a2,说明A2. Confirm how much time child lives with respondent,最后是回复的值

tabulation:  Freq.   Numeric  Label
                          1383        -9  -9 Not in wave
                             4        -2  -2 Don't know
                             2        -1  -1 Refuse
                          3272         1  1 all or most of the time
                            29         2  2 about half of the time
                            76         3  3 some of the time
                            80         4  4 none of the time
                            52         7  7 only on weekends



fileName <- "../data/ff_mom_cb9.txt"
conn <- file(fileName,open="r")
linn <-readLines(conn)
L = list()
for (i in 1:length(linn)){
  if((linn[i]=="--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") & (linn[i+1]!=""))
    L[i] = linn[i+1]

    # read until hit the next dashed line

我很困惑的一些事情: 1.我不知道如何让它读取直到下一个虚线的下一行。 2.如果我希望能够可视化搜索并轻松检索数据,我的方法是否正确将读取数据存储在列表中?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


txt <- "m5a2                                                     A2. Confirm how much time child lives with respondent

                  type:  numeric (byte)
                 label:  BM_101F

                 range:  [-9,7]                       units:  1
         unique values:  8                        missing .:  0/4898

            tabulation:  Freq.   Numeric  Label
                          1383        -9  -9 Not in wave
                             4        -2  -2 Don't know
                             2        -1  -1 Refuse
                          3272         1  1 all or most of the time
                            29         2  2 about half of the time
                            76         3  3 some of the time
                            80         4  4 none of the time
                            52         7  7 only on weekends
Lines <- readLines( textConnection(txt))
 # isolate lines with letter in first column
 Lines[grep("^[a-zA-Z]", Lines)]
# Now replace long runs of spaces with commas and scan:

scan(text=sub("[ ]{10,100}", ",", Lines[grep("^[a-zA-Z]", Lines)] ),
     sep=",", what="")
Read 2 items
[1] "m5a2"                                                 
[2] "A2. Confirm how much time child lives with respondent"

&#34;制表&#34; line可用于创建列标签。

colnames <- scan(text=sub(".*tabulation[:]", "",
                     Lines[grep("tabulation[:]", Lines)] ), sep="", what="")
#Read 3 items


dataRows <- Lines[grep("^[ ]*\\d", Lines)]

然后用逗号代替数字-2 +空格,并用read.csv:

 myDat <- read.csv(text=  
                      gsub("(\\d)[ ]{2,}", "\\1,", dataRows ), 
                   header=FALSE ,col.names=colnames)

    V1 V2                        V3
1 1383 -9            -9 Not in wave
2    4 -2             -2 Don't know
3    2 -1                 -1 Refuse
4 3272  1 1 all or most of the time
5   29  2  2 about half of the time
6   76  3        3 some of the time
7   80  4        4 none of the time
8   52  7        7 only on weekends

如果Lines-object是整个文件,例如:{/ p>,那么使用cumsum( grepl("^-------", Lines)生成的计数器可以循环使用多个项目。

 Lines <- readLines("http://fragilefamilies.princeton.edu/sites/fragilefamilies/files/ff_mom_cb9.txt")
sum( grepl("^-------", Lines) )
[1] 1966
Warning messages:
1: In grepl("^-------", Lines) :
  input string 6995 is invalid in this locale
2: In grepl("^-------", Lines) :
  input string 7349 is invalid in this locale
3: In grepl("^-------", Lines) :
  input string 7350 is invalid in this locale
4: In grepl("^-------", Lines) :
  input string 7352 is invalid in this locale
5: In grepl("^-------", Lines) :
  input string 7353 is invalid in this locale

我的&#34;手持式扫描() - 呃&#34;向我建议,只有两种类型的码本记录:&#34;制表&#34; (可能是少于10个左右的项目)和#34;例子&#34;(有更多的项目)。它们具有不同的结构(如上面的代码片段中所示),因此可能只需要构建和部署两种类型的解析逻辑。所以我认为上面描述的工具如上所述。

警告都与角色&#34; \ x92&#34;被用作撇号。正则表达式和R共享一个转义字符&#34; \&#34;,所以你需要逃脱逃脱。可以通过以下方式纠正它们:

Lines <- gsub("\\\x92", "'", Lines )

答案 1 :(得分:-1)


df <- read.table("file.txt", 
             header = FALSE)