是否有一种安全的方法可以在java上的两个不同设备上创建相同的随机数而无法通过用户/编码器预测下一个数字或整数系列? 我认为同步启动就像首先用户在程序运行时输入相同的数字一样。这个数字可以用加密技术处理(?)。接下来在两个设备上生成相同的数字序列。但我真的不知道该怎么做以及它有多安全?
答案 0 :(得分:3)
new SecureRandom(seed);
方法缩小范围,但这不太可能完全解决问题;我主要使用它 - 我目前正在使用它 - 用于测试目的。
另一种方法是使用共享密钥作为生成密钥流的流密码的输入。该密钥流通常与明文进行异或,以形成密文。最简单的流密码之一是计数器模式下的AES(CTR或SIC模式)。 请参阅下面的实施,其中可能包含您需要的所有功能。
package nl.owlstead.stackoverflow;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.ShortBufferException;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
* A well-defined pseudo-random generator that is based on a stream cipher.
* <p>
* This class mimics the {@link Random} class method signatures; it however does currently not provide:
* <ul>
* <li>operations returning floats or doubles including returning a Gaussian value in the range [0, 1.0) </li>
* <li>streams of integers or longs</li>
* </ul>
* due to laziness of the developer.
* It does not allow for re-seeding as re-seeding is not defined for a stream cipher;
* the same goes from retrieving a seed from the underlying entropy source as it hasn't got one.
* <p>
* It is assumed that most significant (leftmost) bytes are taken from the stream cipher first.
* All the algorithms used to return the random values are well defined, so that compatible implementations can be generated.
* <p>
* Instances of this class are stateful and not thread safe.
* @author Maarten Bodewes
public class StreamCipherPseudoRandom {
private static final long TWO_POW_48 = 1L << 48;
private final Cipher streamCipher;
// must be a buffer of at least 6 bytes
// a buffer that is x times 16 is probably most efficient for AES/CTR mode encryption within getBytes(byte[])
private final ByteBuffer zeros = ByteBuffer.allocate(64);
* Creates a SecureRandom from a stream cipher.
* @param streamCipher an initialized stream cipher
* @throws NullPointerException if the cipher is <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalStateException if the cipher is not initialized
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the cipher is not a stream cipher
public StreamCipherPseudoRandom(final Cipher streamCipher) {
if (streamCipher.getOutputSize(1) != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a stream cipher");
this.streamCipher = streamCipher;
* Generates a pseudo-random number of bytes by taking exactly the required number of bytes from the stream cipher.
* @param data the buffer to be randomized
public void nextBytes(final byte[] data) {
* Generates a pseudo-random boolean value by taking exactly 1 byte from the stream cipher,
* returning true if and only if the returned value is odd (i.e. if the least significant bit is set to 1), false otherwise.
* @return the random boolean
public boolean nextBoolean() {
return (generateRandomInBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(Byte.BYTES)).get() & 1) == 1;
* Generates a pseudo-random <code>int</code> value by taking exactly 4 bytes from the stream cipher.
* @return the random <code>int</code> value
public int nextInt() {
return generateRandomInBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.BYTES)).getInt();
* Generates a pseudo-random <code>long</code> value by taking exactly 8 bytes from the stream cipher.
* @return the random <code>long</code> value
public long nextLong() {
return generateRandomInBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES)).getLong();
* Generates a pseudo-random <code>int</code> value with <code>bits</code> random bits in the lower part of the returned integer.
* This method takes the minimum number of bytes required to hold the required number of bits from the stream cipher (e.g. 13 bits requires 2 bytes to hold them).
* @param bits the number of bits in the integer, between 0 and 32
* @return the random <code>int</code> value in the range [0, 2^n) where n is the number of bits
public int next(final int bits) {
final int bytes = (bits + Byte.SIZE - 1) / Byte.SIZE;
final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.BYTES);
buf.position(Integer.BYTES - bytes);
final long l = buf.getInt(0);
final long m = (1L << bits) - 1;
return (int) (l & m);
* Generates a pseudo-random <code>int</code> value in a range [0, n) by:
* <ol>
* <li>taking 6 bytes from the stream cipher and converting it into a number y</li>
* <li>restart the procedure if y is larger than x * n where x is the largest value such that x * n <= 2^48
* <li>return y % n
* </ol>
* An exception to this rule is for n is 1 in which case this method direct returns 0, without taking any bytes from the stream cipher.
* @param n the maximum value (exclusive) - n must be a non-zero positive number
* @return the random <code>int</code> value in the range [0, n)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n is zero or negative
public int nextInt(final int n) {
if (n <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("max cannot be negative");
} else if (n == 1) {
// only one choice
return 0;
final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(48 / Byte.SIZE);
long maxC = TWO_POW_48 - TWO_POW_48 % n;
long l;
do {
// put 16 bits into position 32 to 47
l = (buf.getShort() & 0xFFFFL) << Integer.SIZE;
// put 32 bits into position 0 to 31
l |= buf.getInt() & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
} while (l > maxC);
return (int) (l % n);
* Retrieves random bytes from the underlying stream cipher.
* All methods that affect the stream cipher should use this method.
* The bytes between the position and the limit will contain the random bytes; position and limit are left unchanged.
* <p>
* The buffer may not be read only and must support setting a mark; previous marks are discarded.
* @param buf the buffer to receive the bytes between the position and limit
* @return the same buffer, to allow for
protected ByteBuffer generateRandomInBuffer(final ByteBuffer buf) {
while (buf.hasRemaining()) {
// clear the zeros buffer
// set the number of zeros to process
zeros.limit(Math.min(buf.remaining(), zeros.capacity()));
try {
// process the zero's into buf (note that the input size is leading)
streamCipher.update(zeros, buf);
} catch (ShortBufferException e) {
// not enough output size, which cannot be true for a stream cipher
throw new IllegalStateException(
String.format("Cipher %s not behaving as a stream cipher", streamCipher.getAlgorithm()));
return buf;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Cipher streamCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CTR/NoPadding");
// zero key and iv for demo purposes only
SecretKey aesKey = new SecretKeySpec(new byte[24], "AES");
IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(new byte[16]);
streamCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, aesKey, iv);
StreamCipherPseudoRandom rng = new StreamCipherPseudoRandom(streamCipher);
// chosen by fair dice roll, guaranteed to be random
System.out.println(rng.nextInt(6) + 1);
方法(1 GiB输入数组)和计数器模式下的AES-128以及RC4的4字节。我使用AES-192,否则XKCD的笑话不起作用。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
我建议你在ECB模式下使用AES,并在两台机器上使用相同的密钥加密数字0,1,2,3 .......如果您不想要128位输出(AES块是128位),则同意使用块的前n位或后n位。提供两台机器保持步调,然后每个机器将以相同的顺序产生相同的伪随机输出。