
时间:2017-04-14 19:45:18

标签: xml string vb.net



Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
    Public FILENAME As String = String.Empty
    Public models As Model
    Public productionBlocks As New Panel
    Public pictureBlocks As New List(Of PictureBox)
    Public gridsinfo As CubeGrid

    Public dictCount As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)

    Public Sub New()

        ' This call is required by the designer.
        AddHandler Me.Load, AddressOf Form1_Load
        ' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Dim fileloader As New OpenFileDialog
        FILENAME = fileloader.FileName

        models = New Model

        Dim blockNames As List(Of String) = models.print.Select(Function(x) x.cubes.Select(Function(y) y.cubeBlocks.Select(Function(z) z.SubtypeName)).SelectMany(Function(y) y).ToList()).FirstOrDefault()
        Dim gridSizeEnumerator As String = models.print.Select(Function(x) gridsinfo.gridSizeEnum).ToString
        dictCount = blockNames.GroupBy(Function(x) x).ToDictionary(Function(x) x.Key, Function(y) y.Count)
        Dim display As String = models.print2.Select(Function(x) x.cubes.Select(Function(y) y.displayname)).SelectMany(Function(y) y).ToString().First()
        Dim enumer As String = models.print3.Select(Function(x) x.cubes.Select(Function(y) y.enumerator)).SelectMany(Function(y) y).ToString().First()

        For Each item In dictCount
        Next item

        For Each key As String In dictCount.Keys.AsEnumerable()
            TextBox1.Text = "subTypeName = '{0}', count = '{1}'" + key.ToString + dictCount(key).ToString + Environment.NewLine
        Next key

        If InfluenceListBox1.lstbox.Items.Item(1).ToString.Contains("Large") Then
            InfluenceTextBox1.Text = "Grid Size: Large Ship"
        ElseIf InfluenceListBox1.lstbox.Items.Item(1).ToString.Contains("Small") Then
            InfluenceTextBox1.Text = "Grid Size: Small Ship"
        End If

        InfluenceTextBox2.Text = "Grid Owner: " + display.ToString
        InfluenceTextBox3.Text = "Grid Size Enumerator: " + enumer.ToString
    End Sub
End Class
Public Class Model
    Public print As New List(Of Model)
    Public print2 As New List(Of Model)
    Public print3 As New List(Of Model)

    Public _type As String
    Public _id As ID
    Public _display As String
    Public _display1 As String
    Public displayname As String
    Public enumerator As String
    Public cubes As List(Of CubeGrid)
    Public info As String

    Public Sub Load(filename As String)

        Dim reader As New StreamReader(filename)

        Dim doc As XDocument = XDocument.Load(reader)
        Dim firstNode As XElement = doc.FirstNode
        Dim xsiNs = firstNode.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("xsi")
        Dim drawingTypes = firstNode.Elements.FirstOrDefault()
        Dim drawingType = drawingTypes.Elements.FirstOrDefault()
        Dim drawingStr = drawingType.Name.LocalName

        print = doc.Descendants(drawingStr).Select(Function(x) New Model() With {
           ._type = x.Attribute(xsiNs + "type"), ._id = x.Elements("Id").Select(Function(y) New ID() With {
                                              .type = y.Attribute("Type"),
                                              .subtype = y.Attribute("Subtype")
           .cubes = x.Descendants("CubeGrid").Select(Function(y) New CubeGrid() With {
                                                      .id = y.Element("EntityId"),
                                                      .persistentFlags = y.Element("PersistentFlags"),
                                                      .position = y.Descendants("Position").Select(Function(z) New location() With {
                                                        .x = CType(z.Attribute("x"), Double),
                                                        .y = CType(z.Attribute("y"), Double),
                                                        .z = CType(z.Attribute("z"), Double)
                                                      .forward = y.Descendants("Forward").Select(Function(z) New location() With {
                                                        .x = CType(z.Attribute("x"), Double),
                                                        .y = CType(z.Attribute("y"), Double),
                                                        .z = CType(z.Attribute("z"), Double)
                                                      .up = y.Descendants("Up").Select(Function(z) New location() With {
                                                        .x = CType(z.Attribute("x"), Double),
                                                        .y = CType(z.Attribute("y"), Double),
                                                        .z = CType(z.Attribute("z"), Double)
                                                      .orientation = y.Descendants("Orientation").Select(Function(z) New location() With {
                                                        .w = CType(z.Element("W"), Double),
                                                        .x = CType(z.Element("X"), Double),
                                                        .y = CType(z.Element("Y"), Double),
                                                        .z = CType(z.Element("Z"), Double)
                                                      .cubeBlocks = y.Descendants("MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock").Select(Function(z) New CubeBlock() With {
                                                        .SubtypeName = z.Element("SubtypeName")

        print2 = doc.Descendants(drawingStr).Select(Function(x) New Model() With {
            .cubes = x.Descendants("CubeGrid").Select(Function(y) New CubeGrid() With {
                .displayname = y.Element("DisplayName")

        print3 = doc.Descendants(drawingStr).Select(Function(x) New Model() With {
        .cubes = x.Descendants("CubeGrid").Select(Function(y) New CubeGrid() With {
            .enumerator = y.Element("GridSizeEnum")
    End Sub
End Class
Public Class ID
    Public type As String
    Public subtype As String
End Class
Public Class CubeGrid
    Public id As String
    Public persistentFlags As String
    Public position As location
    Public forward As location
    Public up As location
    Public orientation As location
    Public cubeBlocks As List(Of CubeBlock)

    Public displayname As String
    Public enumerator As String
End Class
Public Class location
    Public w As Double
    Public x As Double
    Public y As Double
    Public z As Double
End Class
Public Class CubeBlock
    Public SubtypeName As String
    Public username As String
End Class



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
    Const FILENAME As String = "c:\temp\test.xml"
    Public models As Model
    Public productionBlocks As New Panel
    Public pictureBlocks As New List(Of PictureBox)

    Public dictCount As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
    Public Sub New()

        ' This call is required by the designer.
        'AddHandler Me.Load, AddressOf Form1_Load
        ' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        models = New Model

        Dim blockNames As List(Of String) = models.print.Select(Function(x) x.cubes.Select(Function(y) y.cubeBlocks.Select(Function(z) z.SubtypeName)).SelectMany(Function(y) y).ToList()).FirstOrDefault()

        dictCount = blockNames.GroupBy(Function(x) x).ToDictionary(Function(x) x.Key, Function(y) y.Count)

    End Sub
End Class
Public Class Model
    Public print As New List(Of Model)

    Public _type As String
    Public _id As ID
    Public cubes As List(Of CubeGrid)

    Public Sub Load(filename As String)

        Dim reader As New StreamReader(filename)

        Dim doc As XDocument = XDocument.Load(reader)
        Dim firstNode As XElement = doc.FirstNode
        Dim xsiNs = firstNode.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("xsi")
        Dim drawingTypes = firstNode.Elements.FirstOrDefault()
        Dim drawingType = drawingTypes.Elements.FirstOrDefault()
        Dim drawingStr = drawingType.Name.LocalName
        print = doc.Descendants(drawingStr).Select(Function(x) New Model() With { _
           ._type = x.Attribute(xsiNs + "type"), _
           ._id = x.Elements("Id").Select(Function(y) New ID() With { _
                                              .type = y.Attribute("Type"), _
                                              .subtype = y.Attribute("Subtype") _
                                          }).FirstOrDefault(), _
           .cubes = x.Descendants("CubeGrid").Select(Function(y) New CubeGrid() With { _
                                                      .id = y.Element("EntityId"),
                                                      .persistentFlags = y.Element("PersistentFlags"),
                                                      .gridSizeEnum = y.Element("GridSizeEnum"),
                                                      .position = y.Descendants("Position").Select(Function(z) New location() With { _
                                                        .x = CType(z.Attribute("x"), Double), _
                                                        .y = CType(z.Attribute("y"), Double), _
                                                        .z = CType(z.Attribute("z"), Double) _
                                                      }).FirstOrDefault(), _
                                                      .forward = y.Descendants("Forward").Select(Function(z) New location() With { _
                                                        .x = CType(z.Attribute("x"), Double), _
                                                        .y = CType(z.Attribute("y"), Double), _
                                                        .z = CType(z.Attribute("z"), Double) _
                                                      }).FirstOrDefault(), _
                                                      .up = y.Descendants("Up").Select(Function(z) New location() With { _
                                                        .x = CType(z.Attribute("x"), Double), _
                                                        .y = CType(z.Attribute("y"), Double), _
                                                        .z = CType(z.Attribute("z"), Double) _
                                                      .orientation = y.Descendants("Orientation").Select(Function(z) New location() With { _
                                                        .w = CType(z.Element("W"), Double), _
                                                        .x = CType(z.Element("X"), Double), _
                                                        .y = CType(z.Element("Y"), Double), _
                                                        .z = CType(z.Element("Z"), Double) _
                                                      }).FirstOrDefault(), _
                                                      .cubeBlocks = y.Descendants("MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock").GroupBy(Function(z) CType(z.Element("SubtypeName"), String)).Select(Function(z) New CubeBlock() With { _
                                                        .SubtypeName = z.Key,
                                                        .count = z.Count

    End Sub
End Class
Public Class ID
    Public type As String
    Public subtype As String
End Class
Public Class CubeGrid
    Public id As String
    Public persistentFlags As String
    Public gridSizeEnum As String
    Public position As location
    Public forward As location
    Public up As location
    Public orientation As location
    Public cubeBlocks As List(Of CubeBlock)
End Class
Public Class location
    Public w As Double
    Public x As Double
    Public y As Double
    Public z As Double
End Class
Public Class CubeBlock
    Public SubtypeName As String
    Public count As Integer
End Class


现在我该如何使用这个' dictCount

For Each key As String In dictCount.Keys.AsEnumerable()
            Console.WriteLine("subTypeName = '{0}', count = '{1}'", key, dictCount(key))
        Next key


Dim print2 = doc.Descendants(drawingStr).Select(Function(x) New Model() With { _
                                                            .cubes = x.Descendants("CubeGrid").Select(Function(y) New CubeGrid() With { _
                                                                                                                .displayname = y.Element("DisplayName") _
                                                                                                         }).ToList() _