
时间:2017-04-14 17:28:22

标签: javascript jquery html css safari

我创建了一个圆圈,一旦达到一定比例就会放大并淡出。当我在Google Chrome上打开它时,圆圈的边缘看起来完美而清晰。但是在Safari上,圆圈的边缘看起来非常糟糕并逐渐消失。我添加了#34; webkit"它仍然是一样的。仅仅是css动画与Safari不兼容吗?这是我的代码。

图片显示边缘在镀铬中的外观 https://gyazo.com/91a2faecb48703c4ed7e47bc3035b802

Safari中边缘的外观图片 https://gyazo.com/0507f9bb35eb2e0fd21b620d3ba44538


 #bubbles li{
              position: relative;
                list-style: none;
                display: block;
                border-radius: 100%;
              animation: fadeAndScale 15s ease-in infinite;
              -webkit-animation: fadeAndScale 15s ease-in infinite;
              -ms-animation: fadeAndScale 15s ease-in infinite;
              -moz-animation: fadeAndScale 15s ease-in infinite;
              -o-animation: fadeAndScale 15s ease-in infinite;

          #bubbles li:nth-child(1){
              width: 100px;
              height: 100px;
              background-color: red;
          @keyframes fadeAndScale{
                  z-index: 100;
                  transform: scale(0)
                  z-index: 0;
                  transform: scale(50);
          @-webkit-keyframes fadeAndScale{
                  z-index: 100;
                  -webkit-transform: scale(0)
                  z-index: 0;
                  -webkit-transform: scale(50);



  cData <- '
"L, L",NDP,Quebec,22,Female
"M, M",Bloc Quebecois,Quebec,43,Female
"M, S",Bloc Quebecois,Quebec,34,Female
"S, D",NDP,Quebec,,Female
"S, L",NDP,Quebec,72,Female
"F, H",Liberal,British Columbia,71,Female
"T, N",NDP,Quebec,70,Female
"S, J",Liberal,Ontario,68,Female
"R, Francine",NDP,Quebec,67,Female
"D, Patricia",Conservative,Ontario,66,Female
"S, Joy",Conservative,Manitoba,65,Female
"W, Alice",Conservative,British Columbia,64,Female
"O, Tilly",Conservative,New Brunswick,63,Female
"A, Diane",Conservative,Alberta,63,Female
"D, Linda",NDP,Alberta,63,Female
"B, Carolyn",Liberal,Ontario,62,Female
"N, Peggy",NDP,Ontario,61,Female
"M, Irene",NDP,Ontario,61,Female
"S, Jinny",NDP,British Columbia,60,Female
"F, Judy",Liberal,Newfoundland,60,Female
"C, Jean",NDP,British Columbia,60,Female
"D, Libby",NDP,British Columbia,59,Female
"Y, Lynne",Conservative,Saskatchewan,59,Female
"D, Anne",NDP,Quebec,58,Female
"M, Elizabeth",Green,British Columbia,58,Female
"M, Joyce",Liberal,British Columbia,58,Female
"F, Kerry",Conservative,British Columbia,57,Female
"B, Lois",Conservative,Ontario,57,Female
"B, Marj",NDP,Quebec,57,Female
"C, Joan",Conservative,Alberta,56,Female
"C, Olivia",NDP,Ontario,55,Female
"M, Cathy",Conservative,British Columbia,55,Female
"F, Diane",Conservative,Ontario,55,Female
"L, Helene",NDP,Quebec,54,Female
"G, Nina",Conservative,British Columbia,54,Female
"H, Carol",NDP,Ontario,54,Female
"P, Gail",Conservative,Prince Edward Island,53,Female
"T, Susan",Conservative,Ontario,53,Female
"Y, Wai",Conservative,British Columbia,52,Female'
con <- textConnection(cData)
cEl <- read.csv(con, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cEl$votes <- round(runif(nrow(cEl), min=500, max=15000))
TheDataDF <- cEl

ui <- fluidPage(

   titlePanel("Archive Data Post on Stack Overflow"),
   #  Button and Alert, we use the alert to control only onetime Archive
        downloadButton("ArchiveBtn", "Archive All")

      # Show the table

server <- function(input, output,session) {
  output$TheData <- DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable(TheDataDF,options = list(pageLength = 25,scrollX = TRUE),
                                                              rownames = FALSE,class = 'cell-border stripe')
                                                            %>% formatStyle(c(2:ncol(TheDataDF)),
                                                              color = styleInterval(55, c('red', 'black'))))

  output$ArchiveBtn <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() { 
      paste("ArchiveData-", ymd(Sys.Date()), ".xlsx", sep="")
    content = function(file) {
            fname <- paste(file,"xlsx",sep=".")
            wb <- loadWorkbook(fname, create = TRUE)
            #creating sheets within the Excel workbook
            createSheet(wb, name = "The Arc Data")
            #writing into sheet within the Excel workbook : 
            writeWorksheet(wb, TheDataDF, sheet = "The Arc Data", startRow = 1, startCol = 1)
      # Create the message for the complition of the archive
      createAlert(session, "alert", "exampleAlert", style="success",title = "Archive Complete!",
                        content = "Data archived", append = FALSE)




# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



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