元编程 - 无法专门化别名模板

时间:2017-04-14 12:28:45

标签: c++ template-meta-programming

第三次编辑: 今天我收到了来自VS支持的电子邮件,说明它已知的问题,已在VS2017中修复。所以,我会暂时坚持我的解决方法。


struct foo { using type = int; };
struct bar { using type = char; };

template<typename... Types> struct TypeList {};

//This and getScript are simplified, in reality the involve messier templates...
template<typename ReturnType>
struct ReqBuilder
    using proxy = ReturnType(*)(void*, bool);
//  ...
template<typename scriptType>
using getScript = ReqBuilder<scriptType>;

template<typename List, template<typename> typename Wrap> struct WrapTypeList_impl {};
template<typename...Ts, template<typename> typename Wrap> struct WrapTypeList_impl<TypeList<Ts...>, Wrap>
    using type = TypeList<Wrap< Ts>...>;
template<typename List, template<typename> typename Wrap>
using WrapTypeList = typename WrapTypeList_impl<List, Wrap>::type;

//Use typedef
using list1 = TypeList<getScript<foo>, getScript<bar>>;
//Write it manually
using list2 = TypeList<ReqBuilder<foo>, ReqBuilder<bar>>;
//Use wrapper to wrap each element of typelist
using list3 = WrapTypeList<TypeList<foo, bar>, getScript>;

目标是将所有三个列表结果放在同一个TypeList中。此代码已经过简化,实际上 getScript 可以提供更多功能,而且实际上非常有用。对于包含更多typedef的 ReqBuilder 也是如此。因此, list3 应该比 list1 list2 更容易编写。

有更多的getScript,类似ReqBuilder的类以及嵌套类型列表的扁平化。 即使是复杂类型,也可以轻松编写所有可能事件的列表。

以上代码有效 - 所有列表都相同。问题是在嵌套类型上专门化(我想要):

template<typename scriptType>
using getScript = ReqBuilder<typename scriptType::type>;


Error C2938 'getScript<unknown-type>' : Failed to specialize alias template     


template<typename A,typename B, template<typename> typename Wrap>
struct WrapTypeList_impl<TypeList<A,B>, Wrap>
    using type = TypeList<Wrap<A>,Wrap<B>>;


我正在使用Visual Studio 2015 Comunnity版。更令人费解的是,使用智能感知 - 将鼠标悬停在列表上会显示他们已在同一个TypeList中解析,甚至std::is_same<list1,list3>::value在悬停时显示true。但编译器出于某种原因不同意。


#include <algorithm>

struct foo { using type = int; };
struct bar { using type = char; };

template<typename... Types> struct TypeList {};

//This and getScript are simplified, in reality the involve messier templates...
template<typename ReturnType>
struct ReqBuilder
    using proxy = ReturnType(*)(void*, bool);
//  ...
template<typename scriptType>
using getScript = ReqBuilder<typename scriptType::type>;

template<typename List, template<typename> typename Wrap> struct WrapTypeList_impl {};
template<typename...Ts, template<typename> typename Wrap> struct WrapTypeList_impl<TypeList<Ts...>, Wrap>
    using type = TypeList<Wrap<Ts>...>;
template<typename List, template<typename> typename Wrap>
using WrapTypeList = typename WrapTypeList_impl<List, Wrap>::type;

using list1 = TypeList<getScript<foo>, getScript<bar>>;
using list2 = TypeList<ReqBuilder<typename foo::type>, ReqBuilder<typename bar::type>>;
using list3 = WrapTypeList<TypeList<foo, bar>, getScript>;

int main()
    constexpr bool A = std::is_same<list1, list2>::value;
    constexpr bool B = std::is_same<list1, list3>::value;
    constexpr bool C = std::is_same<list2, list3>::value;

    static_assert(A, "list1 != list2");
    static_assert(B, "list1 != list3");
    static_assert(C, "list2 != list3");


1>  Main.cpp
1>Main.cpp(23): error C2938: 'getScript<unknown-type>' : Failed to specialize alias template
1>  Main.cpp(31): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'WrapTypeList_impl<TypeList<foo,bar>,getScript>' being compiled
1>Main.cpp(23): error C3546: '...': there are no parameter packs available to expand
1>Main.cpp(36): error C3203: 'TypeList': unspecialized class template can't be used as a template argument for template parameter '_Ty2', expected a real type
1>Main.cpp(37): error C3203: 'TypeList': unspecialized class template can't be used as a template argument for template parameter '_Ty2', expected a real type
1>Main.cpp(40): error C2338: list1 != list3
1>Main.cpp(41): error C2338: list2 != list3


第二次编辑 - 找到了解决方法


template<typename scriptType>
struct getScript_impl
    using type = ReqBuilder<typename scriptType::type>;
template<typename scriptType>
using getScript = typename getScript_impl<scriptType>::type;

template<typename scriptType>
using getScript = ReqBuilder<typename scriptType::type>;



我发现很少有与此问题有关的链接,但还没有时间查看它们(link1; link2; {{3} })。

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