public class BidsRepositoryTest {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BidsRepositoryTest.class);
static class ContextConfiguration {
// this bean will be injected into the OrderServiceTest class
public BidsRepository bidsRepository() {
BidsRepository bidsRepository = new BidsRepositoryImpl();
// set properties, etc.
return bidsRepository;
@Bean(destroyMethod = "close")
public DataSource dataSource() throws SQLException {
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
config.setConnectionTestQuery("VALUES 1");
config.addDataSourceProperty("URL", "jdbc:h2:~/testdb;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false;MODE=MSSQLServer");
config.addDataSourceProperty("user", "sa");
config.addDataSourceProperty("password", "sa");
HikariDataSource ds = new HikariDataSource(config);
HikariDataSource dataSource = new HikariDataSource(config);
return dataSource;
public ConnectionProvider connectionProvider(){
return new CustomConnectionProvider();
private BidsRepository bidsRepository;
ConnectionProvider connectionProvider;
public void shouldSelectEntityForMatchingIds(){
int userId = 1012;
int listingId = 2;
Database db = Database.builder().connectionProvider(connectionProvider).build();
db.update("create table Bids\n" +
"(\n" +
"\tID int not null,\n" +
"\tUserID int not null\n" +
"\tAmount money not null,\n" +
"\tParticipation money default 0 not null,\n" +
"\tMinRate decimal(6,3) not null,\n" +
"\tListingID int not null\n" +
"\tStandingBidID int default (-1) not null,\n" +
"\tFundingAccountID int not null\n" +
"\tCreationDate datetime default getdate() not null,\n" +
"\tModifiedDate datetime default getdate() not null,\n" +
"\tCollectionAgencyID int\n" +
"\tWithdrawn bit default 0 not null,\n" +
"\tAnonymous bit default 0 not null,\n" +
"\tAltKey varchar(30) default substring(convert(varchar50,newid()),1,4) + convert(varchar50,(convert(bigint,getdate()) * 86400000 + datepart(hour,getdate()) * 3600000 + datepart(minute,getdate()) * 60000 + datepart(second,getdate()) * 1000 + datepart(millisecond,getdate()) + abs(checksum(newid())))) + substring(convert(varchar50,newid()),30,6) not null,\n" +
"\tAltKeySearchID as checksum([AltKey]),\n" +
"\tBidSourceID tinyint not null\n" +
"\tMinYield decimal(6,3) not null,\n" +
"\tInvestmentOrderID int\n" +
"\tconstraint PK_Bids\n" +
"\t\tprimary key (ID, ListingID)\n" +
") go");
db.update("INSERT INTO Bids (ID, UserId, Amount, Participation, MinRate, ListingId, BidSourceId, MinYield) "
+ " VALUES(1, 1012, 10000, 3000, 0.06, 2, 2, 12000) go");
bidsRepository.getBid(userId, listingId).forEach( a-> {
例外: rx.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException:未找到表“出价”; SQL语句:(省略);
编辑: 经过这个线程,但无法找到解决方案: H2 in-memory database. Table not found
答案 0 :(得分:0)
此代码的问题不在于h2的设置。 H2正在按预期执行,这是我对rxjava-jdbc代码的误解 - 创建/插入语句需要一个.execute()来运行它们。
Database db = Database.builder().connectionProvider(connectionProvider).build();
db.update("create table Bids\n" +
"(\n" +
"\tID int not null,\n" +
"\tUserID int not null,\n" +
"\tAmount decimal not null,\n" +
"\tParticipation decimal default 0 not null,\n" +
"\tMinRate decimal(6,3) not null,\n" +
"\tListingID int not null,\n" +
"\tStandingBidID int default (-1) not null,\n" +
"\tFundingAccountID int not null,\n" +
"\tCreationDate datetime default getdate() not null,\n" +
"\tModifiedDate datetime default getdate() not null,\n" +
"\tCollectionAgencyID int,\n" +
"\tWithdrawn bit default 0 not null,\n" +
"\tAnonymous bit default 0 not null,\n" +
"\tAltKey varchar(30) default 'ABC123' not null,\n" +
"\tAltKeySearchID VARCHAR(30),\n" +
"\tBidSourceID tinyint not null,\n" +
"\tMinYield decimal(6,3) not null,\n" +
"\tInvestmentOrderID int\n" +