
时间:2017-04-13 18:03:51

标签: sql-server sql-server-2008


SELECT customer.customer_name as 'Customer', item_id as 'Item ID', item_desc                                                     
AS 'Description', unit_price AS 'Cost', COALESCE(sum(qty_shipped), 0) as 'MTD Sales'
FROM p21_sales_history_report_view           
JOIN customer on customer.customer_id = p21_sales_history_report_view.corp_address_id
WHERE invoice_date between CAST('2017-03-01' as date) and CAST('2017-03-31' as date)
GROUP BY customer.customer_name, item_desc, item_id,  unit_price
ORDER BY customer.customer_name, item_desc

但是,我还想在MTD列旁边找到名为“YTD Sales”的第二列(WHERE条件为2017-01-01至2017-03-31)。我如何同时获得1个查询?我试过这样的东西,但它没有用,它只给了我全部0的MTD和YTD。我确定我做错了什么:

SELECT customer.customer_name as 'Customer', item_id as 'Item ID', 
item_desc as 'Description', unit_price as 'Cost',  
COALESCE(sales_cost, 0) as 'Cost of Sales',  
SUM(CASE WHEN invoice_date BETWEEN CAST('2017-03-01' as date) and CAST('2017-03-31' as date) 
THEN COALESCE(qty_shipped,0) ELSE 0 END) as 'MTD Sales',
SUM(CASE WHEN invoice_date between CAST('2017-01-01' as date) and CAST('2017-03-31' as date) 
THEN COALESCE(qty_shipped,0) Else 0 END) as 'YTD Sales'
FROM p21_sales_history_report_view 
JOIN customer ON customer.customer_id = p21_sales_history_report_view.corp_address_id
GROUP BY item_desc, item_id, customer.customer_name, unit_price,
p21_sales_history_report_view.invoice_date, sales_cost
ORDER BY customer.customer_name, item_desc


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这看起来是正确的 - 我会添加一个列SUM(COALESCE(qty_shipped,0))以确保你确实在总结任何东西。我猜你的连接有问题。


select * 

( SELECT customer.customer_name as 'Customer', item_id as 'Item ID', item_desc                                                     
    AS 'Description', unit_price AS 'Cost', COALESCE(sum(qty_shipped), 0) as 'MTD Sales'
    FROM p21_sales_history_report_view           
    JOIN customer on customer.customer_id = p21_sales_history_report_view.corp_address_id
    WHERE invoice_date between CAST('2017-03-01' as date) and CAST('2017-03-31' as date)
    GROUP BY customer.customer_name, item_desc, item_id,  unit_price
    ORDER BY customer.customer_name, item_desc ) MTD
inner join 
( SELECT customer.customer_name as 'Customer', item_id as 'Item ID', item_desc                                                     
    AS 'Description', unit_price AS 'Cost', COALESCE(sum(qty_shipped), 0) as 'YTD Sales'
    FROM p21_sales_history_report_view           
    JOIN customer on customer.customer_id = p21_sales_history_report_view.corp_address_id
    WHERE invoice_date between CAST('2017-01-01' as date) and CAST('2017-03-31' as date)
    GROUP BY customer.customer_name, item_desc, item_id,  unit_price
    ORDER BY customer.customer_name, item_desc ) YTD
on MTD.Customer = YTD.Customer
and mtd.[Item ID] = YTD.[Item ID]