大家好,我已经在我的实验室工作了几天,我想我已接近完成。但是当我去构建我的程序时,我一直在函数int cdecl中得到错误未解析的外部符号主引用。它也给了我一个未解决的外部错误。我不确定这意味着什么,因为我刚开始用C ++编写,任何帮助都会非常感激。
enter code here
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void menu(void);
void writeData(void);
void readData(void);
string * split(string, char);
const char FileName[] = "TestAddress.txt"; //File name from where to read the characters
int _tmain()
return 0;
void menu(void) { //Display main menu and call relevant functions
char input;
while (1)
cout << endl;
cout << "|---------------------MENU----------------------------|" << endl; //Menu display with style
cout << "| (A)ppend Records, (S)how Records, (E)xit |" << endl; //3 options that can be selected
cout << "|-----------------------------------------------------|";
cout << endl << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == 'A' || input == 'a')
writeData();//Append data to the file
else if (input == 'S' || input == 's')
readData(); //Read records from the file and display
else if (input == 'E' || input == 'e')
exit(0);// Exit application
cout << endl << "Invalid Input!!! Please try again." << endl << endl; //In case of invalid input, menu will be displayed again
}//end menu
void writeData(void) {//Append data to the file
string Name, Street, City, State, ZipCode, input;
fstream outputFile;
outputFile.open(FileName, fstream::app); //Open the file with append mode
do {
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Please enter Name:" << endl;
cin >> Name; //Input Name
cout << endl;
cout << "Please enter Street:" << endl;
cin >> Street;//Input Street Address
cout << endl;
cout << "Please enter City:" << endl;
cin >> City; //Input City
cout << endl;
cout << "Please enter State:" << endl;
cin >> State;// Input State
cout << endl;
cout << "Please enter ZipCode:" << endl;
cin >> ZipCode; //Input Zipcode
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
outputFile << Name << "," << Street << "," << City << "," << State << "," << ZipCode << endl; //Write all data to the file
//Displaying the record which is input recently fromt he user
cout << endl; //Displaying heading with style
cout << "|-----------------------------------------------------|" << endl;
cout << "| Append Records |" << endl;
cout << "|-----------------------------------------------------|" << endl << endl;
cout << "Name.........." << Name << endl;
cout << "Street........" << Street << endl;
cout << "City.........." << City << endl;
cout << "State........." << State << endl;
cout << "Zip Code......" << ZipCode << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
do {
cout << "Enter Another Record?(Y/N)" << endl;
cin >> input;//In case if user wants to enter another rcord
} while (input != "Y"&& input != "y" && input != "N"&& input != "n"); //Until the user presses 'y' or 'n'
} while (input == "Y" || input == "y"); //If user wants to add another record continue or else display menu again
outputFile.close(); //Close file
}//end write data
void readData(void) {//Read records from the file and display
string Name, Street, City, State, ZipCode;
char* line = new char[2000]; //pointing to a vriable that will be having a record detail
ifstream inputFile;
int RecordNumber = 1;
inputFile.open(FileName, fstream::in);//Open the file with read mode
cout << endl;
cout << "|-----------------------------------------------------|" << endl; //Heading display with style
cout << "| Show Records |" << endl;
cout << "|-----------------------------------------------------|";
while (!inputFile.eof())
inputFile.getline(line, 2000); //Read one record from the file
string * fields = split(line, ',');//Split the records based on the prsence of ','
if (fields[0] == "") //In case of '\n' has encountered
continue; //Steop processing and continue the loop again
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "Record #" << RecordNumber << endl; //Displaying record with style
cout << "Name.........." << fields[0] << endl;
cout << "Street........" << fields[1] << endl;
cout << "City.........." << fields[2] << endl;
cout << "State........." << fields[3] << endl;
cout << "Zip Code......" << fields[4] << endl;
cout << endl << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
RecordNumber++; //Increment record number
}//end read data
string * split(string theLine, char theDeliminator) {
//determine how many splits there will be so we can size our array
int splitCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < theLine.size(); i++) { //Read the whole string (theLine) and count for all ',' encountered
if (theLine[i] == theDeliminator)
splitCount++; //add one more to the count because there is not an ending comma
//create an array to hold the fields
string* theFieldArray;
theFieldArray = new string[splitCount];
//split the string into seperate fields
string theField = "";
int commaCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < theLine.size(); i++) { //read each character and look for the deliminator
if (theLine[i] != theDeliminator) {
theField += theLine[i]; //build the field
else { //the deliminator was hit so save to the field to the array
theFieldArray[commaCount] = theField; //save the field to the array
theField = "";
theFieldArray[commaCount] = theField; //the last field is not marked with a comma...
return theFieldArray;
} //end split