def NoFood():
TotalCalories = NoBreakfast.calories
NoFoodOption = 1
def BoiledEggsFunct():
TotalCalories = BoiledEggs.calories + TotalCalories
def FriedEggsFunct():
TotalCalories = FriedEggs.calories + TotalCalories
def ScrambledEggsFunct():
TotalCalories = ScrambledEggs.calories + TotalCalories
def PoachedEggsFunct():
TotalCalories = PoachedEggs.calories + TotalCalories
def ToastFunct():
TotalCalories = Toast.calories + TotalCalories
def BaconFunct():
TotalCalories = Bacon.calories + TotalCalories
def CerealFunct():
TotalCalories = Cereal.calories + TotalCalories
def PorridgeFunct():
TotalCalories = Porridge.calories + TotalCalories
def FinishScreen():
FinishWindow = Toplevel()
if TotalCalories > 0 and TotalCalories < 1000:
HealthyLabel = Label(FinishWindow, text = "Congratulations, you are healthy!", font=("Comic Sans MS", 25), fg = "light green",
bg = "black")
elif TotalCalories > 1000:
UnhealthyLabel = Label(FinishWindow, text = "Try to eat healthier tomorrow. See personalised advice", font=("Comic Sans MS", 25), fg = "yellow",
bg = "black")
elif NoFoodOption == 1:
NoFoodLabel = Label(FinishWindow, text = "Not eating can be harmful to your health. See personalised advice", font=("Comic Sans MS", 25), fg = "red",
bg = "black")
Error = Label(FinishWindow, text = "error", font=("Comic Sans MS", 25), fg = "red",
bg = "black")
BoiledEggsPhoto = PhotoImage(file="BoiledEgg.gif")
BoiledEggsButton = Button(FoodSelectionWindow, text="Boiled Eggs", command=BoiledEggsFunct, image=BoiledEggsPhoto, compound=LEFT, height=100, width = 200)
ScrambledEggsPhoto = PhotoImage(file="ScrambledEgg.gif")
ScrambledEggsButton = Button(FoodSelectionWindow, text="Scrambled Eggs", command=ScrambledEggsFunct, image=ScrambledEggsPhoto, compound=LEFT, height=100, width = 200)
FriedEggsPhoto = PhotoImage(file="FriedEgg.gif")
FriedEggsButton = Button(FoodSelectionWindow, text="Fried Eggs", command = FriedEggsFunct, image=FriedEggsPhoto, compound=LEFT, height=100, width = 200)
FriedEggsButton.grid(column=3, row=3)
PoachedEggsPhoto = PhotoImage(file="PoachedEgg.gif")
PoachedEggsButton = Button(FoodSelectionWindow, text="Poached Eggs", command = PoachedEggsFunct, image=PoachedEggsPhoto, compound=LEFT, height=100, width = 200)
PoachedEggsButton.grid(column=1, row=4)
ToastPhoto = PhotoImage(file="Toast.gif")
ToastButton = Button(FoodSelectionWindow, text="Toast", command = ToastFunct, image=ToastPhoto, compound=LEFT, height=100, width = 200)
BaconPhoto = PhotoImage(file="Bacon.gif")
BaconButton = Button(FoodSelectionWindow, text="Bacon", command = BaconFunct, image=BaconPhoto, compound=LEFT, height=100, width = 200)
BaconButton.grid(column=3, row=4)
CerealPhoto = PhotoImage(file="Cereal.gif")
CerealButton = Button(FoodSelectionWindow, text="Cereal", command = CerealFunct, image=CerealPhoto, compound=LEFT, height=100, width = 200)
CerealButton.grid(column=1, row=5)
PorridgePhoto = PhotoImage(file="Porridge.gif")
PorridgeButton = Button(FoodSelectionWindow, text="Porridge", command = PorridgeFunct, image=PorridgePhoto, compound=LEFT, height=100, width = 200)
PorridgeButton.grid(column=2, row=5)
NoBreakfastPhoto = PhotoImage(file="NoBreakfast.gif")
NoBreakfastButton = Button(FoodSelectionWindow, text= "None", command = NoFood, image=NoBreakfastPhoto, compound=LEFT, height=100, width = 200)
NoBreakfastButton.grid(column=3, row =5)
EndScreen = Button(FoodSelectionWindow, text="Finish", command = FinishScreen, width=12)