
时间:2017-04-12 16:00:31

标签: c# codeigniter session

我有一个c#客户端应用程序,它使用不同的URL执行两个Web请求,发送一个json字符串并接收要反序列化的json字符串。 这是他们的代码:

private CookieContainer cookie = new CookieContainer();
public string AskInfo(string data, string url) {
        string result = null;
        try {
            var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpWebRequest.CookieContainer = cookie;
            httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
            httpWebRequest.Accept = "application/json";
            httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream())) {

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream())) {
                result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
        } catch (Exception e){
            logger.Debug("Error while asking infos from server", e.Message);
        return result;


$config['sess_driver'] = 'database';
$config['sess_cookie_name'] = 'ci_session';
$config['sess_expiration'] = 7200;
$config['sess_save_path'] = 'ci_sessions';
$config['sess_match_ip'] = FALSE;
$config['sess_time_to_update'] = 300;
$config['sess_regenerate_destroy'] = FALSE;

我的控制器有这个构造函数: (我也尝试使用相同的结果自动加载会话库)

public function __construct() {

这是我的控制器方法的代码: 在第一个电话:http://mywebserver/mycontroller/offerupdate/中使用以下代码:

public function offerUpdate() {
    $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
        $session_data = array(
            'fileName' => 'prova.exe',
            'member' => $data['member'],
            'versions' => $data['versions']
        log_message('history', 'Offer Update: Session has user data: '.$this->session->has_userdata('member'));

        $response['updatable'] = TRUE;
        $response['file'] = $this->session->userdata('fileName');
        header('Content-Type: application/json');
        echo json_encode($response);


public function offerMD5() {
    $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
    log_message('history', 'Offer MD5: Session has user data: '.$this->session->has_userdata('member'));
    $file = BASEPATH.$data['file'];
    $response['MD5'] = md5_file($file);
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($response);


HISTORY - date, time --> Offer Update: Session has user data: 1
HISTORY - date, time --> Offer MD5: Session has user data: 

这个文件“提供MD5:会话有用户数据:”只是空的,不是真(1),也不是假(0),如上所述。 实际上CodeIgniter不能告诉我我需要的数据是否存在。 我想CodeIgniter不会关闭会话,因为它仍然在我的数据库中。那么,为什么我有记录器记录? 一切正常,但会话的用户数据没有。 似乎我遗漏了一些东西,但我无法理解。

编辑: 这是分析器输出:

INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Config Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Hooks Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> UTF-8 Support Enabled
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Utf8 Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> URI Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Router Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Output Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Security Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Global POST, GET and COOKIE data sanitized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Input Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Language Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Loader Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Controller Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Helper loaded: url_helper
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Database Driver Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Session: Class initialized using 'database' driver.
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Final output sent to browser
DEBUG - 2017-04-13 10:09:33 --> Total execution time: 0.0312


INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Config Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Hooks Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> UTF-8 Support Enabled
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Utf8 Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> URI Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Router Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Output Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Security Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Global POST, GET and COOKIE data sanitized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Input Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Language Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Loader Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Controller Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Helper loaded: url_helper
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Database Driver Class Initialized
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Session: Class initialized using 'database' driver.
INFO - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Final output sent to browser
DEBUG - 2017-04-13 10:09:35 --> Total execution time: 0.0780


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)





