无法使用Parmiko Python模块SSH到VM

时间:2017-04-12 14:02:23

标签: python-2.7 ssh paramiko ssh-keys

我想ssh到一个VM并执行一些命令。我尝试SSH的VM具有私钥认证和登录密码。这里使用了Paramiko python模块,但是得到了带有错误原因的saved_exception:


paramiko.BadAuthenticationType:错误的身份验证类型(allowed_types = [' publickey',' gssapi-keyex',' gssapi-with-mic'])



from paramiko import client

class ssh:
    client = None

    def __init__ (self, server_addr,username, password, keyfile):
            print ("Establishing VM connection")

            #Create ssh client.
            self.client = client.SSHClient ()

            ## The following line is required if you want the script to be able to access a server that's not yet in the known_hosts.
            self.client.set_missing_host_key_policy (client.AutoAddPolicy())

            #Make the connection.
            self.client.connect (server_addr, username=username, password=password, key_filename=keyfile);

    def sendCommand (self, command):
            #Check if connection is made successfully.
            if (self.client) :
                    stdin,stdout,stderr = self.client.exec_command (command)
                    while not stdout.channel.exit_status_ready ():
                            alldata = stdout.channel.recv (1024)
                            while stdout.channel.recv_ready ():
                                    alldata += stdout.channel.recv(1024)

                            print (str(alldata))
                    print "Connection is not opened"

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