我相信我已经正确地增加了除数'bl'的值,但是使用jl loopy使程序再次通过循环似乎失败了,因为它产生了不正确的结果,例如5是素数,10不是素数,但15是素数。
section .data
primeMsg db "This is a prime number!", 0xa
lenPrimeMsg equ $-primeMsg
noPrimeMsg db "This is not a prime number.", 0xa
lenNoPrimeMsg equ $-noPrimeMsg
number db 5
answer db 1 ;1 means number is prime, 0 means number is not prime
section .bss
section .text
global start
mov esi, number ;get the offset of number into esi
keith: mov eax, 0 ;clear the entire eax register
mov al, [esi] ;get the number from memory into al
mov dl, al ;put it inside dl as well
mov bl, 2 ;bl holds each divisor starting from 2
loopy: div bl ;ax/bl with quot in al and rem in ah
and ax, 1111111100000000b ;isolate the rem in ah with a AND mask to determine whether the remainder is 0
jz not_prime ;if jump zero, goto not_prime
inc bl ;increment bl operand by one
cmp bl, dl ;compare bl and dl when bl is substracted from dl for result to be used in conditional jump
jl loopy ;loop continues if divisor is less than number
; message if number is prime
push dword lenPrimeMsg
push dword primeMsg
push dword 1
mov eax, 0x4
sub esp, 4
int 0x80
add esp, 16
push dword 1
mov eax, 0x1
sub esp, 4
int 0x80
mov eax, answer
mov eax,0 ;store 0 in answer if number is not prime
; message if number is NOT prime
push dword lenNoPrimeMsg
push dword noPrimeMsg
push dword 1
mov eax, 0x4
sub esp, 4
int 0x80
add esp, 16
push dword 1
mov eax, 0x1
sub esp, 4
int 0x80