
时间:2017-04-12 02:24:10

标签: java



    import java.util.Random;
     import java.util.Scanner;

   public class HangmanP2 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

  Scanner Input = new Scanner(System.in);
       String first, reverse = "";
        String second, reverse2 = "";
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

   System.out.println("Welcome to Hangman!");
   System.out.println("Enter your first name.");
   first = in.nextLine();
   System.out.println("Enter your last name to play.");
   second = in.nextLine();

  int length = first.length();
  int length2 = second.length();
  for ( int i = length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
     reverse = reverse + first.charAt(i);
     reverse = reverse.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + reverse.substring(1).toLowerCase();
 for ( int i = length2 - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
     reverse2 = reverse2 + second.charAt(i);
     reverse2 = reverse2.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + reverse2.substring(1).toLowerCase();

  System.out.println("Your name entered in reverse is: "+reverse+" "+reverse2);

    public static void startGame(String reverse,String reverse2){

            Random rnd = new Random ();
    Scanner user = new Scanner (System.in);
            String guess = "";
    String message = "";
    int count = 1;
    boolean quit = false;
    String fullWord = "";
    int wins=0;
            int loss=0;
            int numberOfGames=0;
    int guessC = 5;
    String usedLetters ="";
    String remainingLetters ="";
    int hinter = 0;
    int z  = rnd.nextInt(10);
    int k  = rnd.nextInt(2);

    String words[][] = {{"earth","stars","light",
    "break","necks","terms","slide","large"},{"stake","guess","wrong","anime","stick","outer","input"},{ "thing","write","white","black"}};

    //Prints info of the game and topic that as been selected
    System.out.println("Welcome to Hangman"+" "+reverse+" "+reverse2);

    //This prints the '-' and spaces for the first run of the game only
    for(int index = 0; index < words[z][k].length();index++)
        Character variableInt = words[z][k].charAt(index);
        if(variableInt != ' ')
            message += "-";
            message += " ";
    //Nothing will change, this prints information to the user about his current status in-game.
    System.out.println("Secret word: \t\t" +  message);
    System.out.println("Letters Remaining: " + letters);
    System.out.println("Letters Used: ");
    System.out.println("Guesses Remaining: " + guessC);
    //The loop that will continuously run the game, until the user fails or does not want to play again.
        //The following variable's make sure there is not stacking from previous data when the loop runs again.
        remainingLetters = "";
        count = 0;
            //Ask the user for a letter to guess

        System.out.println("\nEnter a letter to guess the word): ");
        guess = user.nextLine();
        //The following for-loop converts ASCII table [A-Z] to actually characters and if the player used a letter it will not show up or add to the string each run of the do-loop.
        for(int x = 65; x < 91;x++){
            Character current = new Character ((char)x);
            String current2 =  current.toString();
                remainingLetters += current;
        //Converts the user's first character to a string which is converted into another character and again converted into a String (Seem's useless) but i used it this way cause i was getting an error.
        Character convert = new Character (guess.charAt(0));
        Character conv =  new Character (convert);
        String converted = convert.toString();
        //The letters the player uses will be added to a string, if it has not already been added and only if it is a letter.
        if(!usedLetters.contains(converted) && conv.isLetter(convert)){
        //Inside this for-loop it turns our word into a String and the user's first character into a string.

        for(int index = 0; index < words[z][k].length();index++){
    //This is a helper 
            //Conversion of variables
            Character current2 = new Character ( words[z][k].charAt(index));
            String current = current2.toString();
            Character current3 = new Character (guess.charAt(0));
            String current4 = current3.toString();
            String current5 = current4.toUpperCase();
            String current6 = words[z][k].toUpperCase();
            //If the players gets a letter correct, do the following.
                //Add's on to the previous string from where the player got it correct and change it to the correct letter instead of a '-'.
                message = message.substring(0,index) + guess + message.substring(index + 1);
            //If the player gets it wrong and the helper variable is equal to 1 (so that it does not follow the loop of the for-loop and it is not one of the special characters in the game('!' or '?').
            if(!current6.contains(current5) && count == 1 && guess.charAt(0) != '?' && guess.charAt(0) != '!'){
//Prints information to the user of their current topic

        //The secret word the player has to guess
        System.out.println("Secret word: \t\t" + message.toUpperCase());
            //The letters in the alphabet that have not been used yet
        System.out.print("\nLetters remaining: ");
        System.out.print(remainingLetters.toUpperCase() + "\n\n");
        //This will print a message to the user, telling them information on using a hint or the hint itself.

        //Letters the user has used since the game session has been running
        System.out.print("\nLetters Used: ");
        System.out.print(usedLetters.toUpperCase() + "\n");
        //The amount of guesses the player has left
        System.out.println("\nGuesses Remaining: " +guessC );
        //If the player enters a '?' it will do the following.
        if(guess.charAt(0) == '?'){
            if(hinter <2){
                //Displays what is in the array and information about the delay, while losing guesses.
            System.out.print("\nHint will appear after next guess! \n");
            guessC -=2;
        //If the user guesses the word correct
            System.out.println("YOU ARE CORRECT! " +  words[z][k] + " is correct!");
                            quit = true;
        //If the user ask to guess the entire word it is stored in a separate variable and make quit equal to true.
        if(guess.charAt(0) == '!')
            System.out.print("\nEnter the secret word: ");
            fullWord = user.nextLine();
            //if the user guesses the word correct then it will tell the user they are correct and make quit equal to true.
                System.out.println("YOU ARE CORRECT! " +  words[z][k] + " is correct!");
                                    quit = true;

            //If the user does not get it right it will tell the user they are wrong and make quit equal to true.
                System.out.println("YOU ARE INCORRECT! the word is: " +  words[z][k] + " ");
                                    quit = true;
        //If the guesses counter equal 0 then it will tell them that they have lost and make quit equal to true.
        if(guessC == 0){
            System.out.println("GAME OVER! The secret word was [ " + words[z][k] + " ]!");
                            quit = true;
        //This is what happens when quit eventually becomes true, the user is asked if they would like to play again.
        if(quit == true){
            System.out.println("\nWould you like to play again (Y or quit)? ");
                            System.out.println("\nOr type [stats] to check your work");
            guess = user.nextLine();
        //If they do want to play again, they will need to enter Y and if they do it will give them another word to guess and resets there information so that there will be no overlap.    
            quit = false;

                            z  = rnd.nextInt(10);
             k  = rnd.nextInt(2);
             guess = " ";
            guessC = 6;
             message = "";
             usedLetters = "";
             hinter = 0;

                for(int index = 0; index < words[z][k].length();index++)
                    Character variableInt = words[z][k].charAt(index);
                    if(variableInt != ' ')
                        message += "-";
                        message += " ";
                System.out.println("Secret word: \t\t" +  message);
                System.out.println("Letters Remaining: " + letters);

                System.out.println("Letters Used: ");
                System.out.println("Guesses Remaining: " + guessC);



            //If the user enters 'N' then they will be told the following and the scanner will be closed.
            System.out.println("THANK YOU FOR PLAYING HAVE A GOOD DAY!");
    //end of the while loop which will only stop if quit equals true.
    }while(quit != true );


private static void printGameStats(int wins,int loss,int numberOfGames) {

    // Line

    // Print titles
    System.out.printf("|  %6s  |  %6s  |  %12s  |\n",
            "WINS", "LOSSES", "GAMES PLAYED");

    // Line

    // Print values
    System.out.printf("|  %6d  |  %6d  | %12d  |\n",
            wins, loss, numberOfGames);

    // Line

private static void printDashes(int numberOfDashes) {
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfDashes; i++) {

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