矩阵列表(从JSON)到单个data.frame - purrr有不同行号的问题?

时间:2017-04-11 21:40:03

标签: json r


我试图使用purrr ::: transpose作为示例here,我尝试使用tidyr ::: unfst如图所示here,但我认为他们想要的结果和输入与我的不同之处在于它们不适用。不同的行名称和/或缺少的矩阵似乎有太多问题。我也是purrr包的新手,所以我可能会在这里找到一些简单的东西。

这是我自己的尝试,它产生了几乎所需的结果,我想我可以稍微修改一下以删除for循环,然后再使用另一层' apply'功能,但我怀疑有更好的方法来解决这个问题。


#Download data
json <- getURL("http://maps2.dnr.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/lakefinder/detail.cgi?type=lake_survey&id=69070100")
#Surveys are the relevant data
data.listed <- fromJSON(json, simplifyDataFrame=F)
surveys <- data.listed$result$surveys

#Get list of lists of matrices - fish size count data
fcounts <- map(surveys, "lengths") %>% 
  at_depth(2, "fishCount") %>%
  at_depth(2, data.frame) # side note: is this a good way to the inner matrices to data.frames?
#top-level - list - surveys 
   #2nd-level - list - species in each survey
      #3rd-level - data.frame - X1: measured_size, X2: counts
#use survey IDs as names for top level list
#just as species are used as names for 2nd level lists
names(fcounts) <- sapply(surveys, function(s) {return(s$surveyID)})

#This produces nearly the correct result

for (i in 1:length(fcounts)){
  surv.id <- names(fcounts)[[i]]
  if (length(fcounts[[i]]) > 0) {
    listed.withSpecies <- lapply(names(fcounts[[i]]), function(species) cbind(fcounts[[i]][[species]], species))
    surv.fishCounts <- do.call(rbind, listed.withSpecies)
    colnames(surv.fishCounts) <- c("size", "count", "species")
    surv.fishCounts$survey.ID <- surv.id

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



res <- GET("http://maps2.dnr.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/lakefinder/detail.cgi",
           query = list(type="lake_survey", id="69070100"))

content(res, as="text") %>%
  jsonlite::fromJSON(simplifyDataFrame = FALSE, flatten=FALSE) -> x

x$result$surveys %>%
    tmp_df <- flatten_df(.x[c("surveyDate", "surveyID", "surveyType", "surveySubType")])
    lens <- .x$lengths
    if (length(lens) > 0) {
      fish <- names(lens)
                 max_length = map_dbl(lens, "maximum_length"),
                 min_length = map_dbl(lens, "minimum_length"),
                 lens = map(lens, "fishCount") %>%
                   map(~set_names(as_data_frame(.), c("catch_len", "ct"))))  %>%
        mutate(surveyDate = tmp_df$surveyDate,
               surveyType = tmp_df$surveyType,
               surveySubType = tmp_df$surveySubType,
               surveyID = tmp_df$surveyID) -> tmp_df
  }) -> lengths_df

## Observations: 21
## Variables: 8
## $ surveyDate    <chr> "1988-07-19", "1995-07-17", "1995-07-17", "1995-07-17", "1995-07-17", "1995-07-17", "1995-07-...
## $ surveyID      <chr> "107278", "107539", "107539", "107539", "107539", "107539", "107539", "107539", "107539", "10...
## $ surveyType    <chr> "Standard Survey", "Standard Survey", "Standard Survey", "Standard Survey", "Standard Survey"...
## $ surveySubType <chr> "Population Assessment", "Re-Survey", "Re-Survey", "Re-Survey", "Re-Survey", "Re-Survey", "Re...
## $ fish          <chr> NA, "PMK", "BLB", "LMB", "YEP", "BLG", "WTS", "WAE", "NOP", "GSF", "BLC", NA, "HSF", "PMK", "...
## $ max_length    <dbl> NA, 6, 12, 16, 6, 7, 18, 18, 36, 4, 10, NA, 8, 7, 12, 12, 6, 8, 23, 38, 12
## $ min_length    <dbl> NA, 3, 10, 1, 3, 3, 16, 16, 6, 4, 4, NA, 7, 4, 10, 12, 5, 3, 12, 9, 7
## $ lens          <list> [NULL, <c("3", "6"), c("1", "3")>, <c("10", "11", "12"), c("1", "1", "4")>, <c("1", "16", "2...

print(lengths_df, n=nrow(lengths_df))
## # A tibble: 21 × 8
##    surveyDate surveyID      surveyType         surveySubType  fish max_length min_length              lens
##         <chr>    <chr>           <chr>                 <chr> <chr>      <dbl>      <dbl>            <list>
## 1  1988-07-19   107278 Standard Survey Population Assessment  <NA>         NA         NA            <NULL>
## 2  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey             Re-Survey   PMK          6          3  <tibble [2 × 2]>
## 3  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey             Re-Survey   BLB         12         10  <tibble [3 × 2]>
## 4  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey             Re-Survey   LMB         16          1  <tibble [6 × 2]>
## 5  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey             Re-Survey   YEP          6          3  <tibble [3 × 2]>
## 6  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey             Re-Survey   BLG          7          3  <tibble [5 × 2]>
## 7  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey             Re-Survey   WTS         18         16  <tibble [3 × 2]>
## 8  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey             Re-Survey   WAE         18         16  <tibble [2 × 2]>
## 9  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey             Re-Survey   NOP         36          6 <tibble [17 × 2]>
## 10 1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey             Re-Survey   GSF          4          4  <tibble [1 × 2]>
## 11 1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey             Re-Survey   BLC         10          4  <tibble [6 × 2]>
## 12 1992-07-24   107587 Standard Survey             Re-Survey  <NA>         NA         NA            <NULL>
## 13 2005-07-11   107906 Standard Survey Population Assessment   HSF          8          7  <tibble [2 × 2]>
## 14 2005-07-11   107906 Standard Survey Population Assessment   PMK          7          4  <tibble [4 × 2]>
## 15 2005-07-11   107906 Standard Survey Population Assessment   BLB         12         10  <tibble [3 × 2]>
## 16 2005-07-11   107906 Standard Survey Population Assessment   LMB         12         12  <tibble [1 × 2]>
## 17 2005-07-11   107906 Standard Survey Population Assessment   YEP          6          5  <tibble [2 × 2]>
## 18 2005-07-11   107906 Standard Survey Population Assessment   BLG          8          3  <tibble [6 × 2]>
## 19 2005-07-11   107906 Standard Survey Population Assessment   WAE         23         12  <tibble [8 × 2]>
## 20 2005-07-11   107906 Standard Survey Population Assessment   NOP         38          9 <tibble [20 × 2]>
## 21 2005-07-11   107906 Standard Survey Population Assessment   BLC         12          7  <tibble [4 × 2]>


filter(lengths_df, !map_lgl(lens, is.null)) %>%
## # A tibble: 98 × 9
##    surveyDate surveyID      surveyType surveySubType  fish max_length min_length catch_len    ct
##         <chr>    <chr>           <chr>         <chr> <chr>      <dbl>      <dbl>     <int> <int>
## 1  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey     Re-Survey   PMK          6          3         3     1
## 2  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey     Re-Survey   PMK          6          3         6     3
## 3  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey     Re-Survey   BLB         12         10        10     1
## 4  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey     Re-Survey   BLB         12         10        11     1
## 5  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey     Re-Survey   BLB         12         10        12     4
## 6  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey     Re-Survey   LMB         16          1         1     1
## 7  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey     Re-Survey   LMB         16          1        16     1
## 8  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey     Re-Survey   LMB         16          1         2     6
## 9  1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey     Re-Survey   LMB         16          1         4     4
## 10 1995-07-17   107539 Standard Survey     Re-Survey   LMB         16          1         5     2
## # ... with 88 more rows