如何解决可恢复的致命错误:类Drupal \ Core \ Link的对象无法转换为Drupal \ Component \ Utility \ Xss :: filter中的字符串?

时间:2017-04-11 19:51:52

标签: drupal-8 simplesamlphp acquia

我正在遵循How to Configure SimpleSAMLphp for Drupal 8 on Acquia指令。我在底部说“SimpleSAMLphp_auth模块设置。我个人建议在settings.php中存储SimpleSAMLphp_auth模块设置的配置。”一旦我将代码片段中的代码复制到我的settings.php文件(粘贴在底部)并将其推送到Acquia,当我尝试通过dev.mysite.com/user url登录时出现此错误。

该网站遇到意外错误。请稍后再试。可恢复的致命错误:Drupal \ Core \ Link类的对象无法在Drupal \ Component \ Utility \ Xss :: filter()中转换为字符串(core / lib / Drupal / Component / Utility / Xss.php的第67行)。


$config['simplesamlphp_auth.settings'] = [
  // Basic settings.
  'activate'                => TRUE, // Enable or Disable SAML login.
  'auth_source'             => 'default-sp',
  'login_link_display_name' => 'Login with your SSO account',
  'register_users'          => TRUE,
  'debug'                   => FALSE,
  // Local authentication.
  'allow' => [
    'default_login'         => TRUE,
    'set_drupal_pwd'        => TRUE,
    'default_login_users'   => '',
    'default_login_roles'   => [
      'authenticated' => FALSE,
      'administrator' => 'administrator',
  'logout_goto_url'         => '',
  // User info and syncing.
  // `unique_id` is specified in Transient format, otherwise this should be `UPN`
  // Please talk to your SSO adminsitrators about which format you should be using.
  'unique_id'               => 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn', 
  'user_name'               => 'uid',
  'mail_attr'               => 'mail',
  'sync' => [
    'mail'      => FALSE,
    'user_name' => FALSE,

如果我在setings.php文件中注释掉了整个代码块,那么我可以登录到dev.mysite.com/user drupal站点。我还不清楚的另一件事是,我是否“首先通过SimpleSAMLphp选项检查激活身份验证”然后将代码片段复制到我的settings.php文件并推送到Acquia或者反过来?


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