' turn the sheet name into a generic name
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim LR As Integer
Set WB = ThisWorkbook
For Each WS In WB.Worksheets
With WS
' When sheet is blank skip to the next one
If .Range("A3").Value = vbNullString Then GoTo NextWS:
' Sets the variable for commands down the entire set of data
LR = WS.Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
' Insert new column
Columns("E:E").Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
' Add title of "Qty Used" to new column
.Range("E2").FormulaR1C1 = "Qty Used"
' count how many times each tool shows up
.Range("E3").FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIF(R3C4:R65536C4,RC[-1])"
'For sheets with one row it will skip the low to high sort
If LR > 3 Then
' run the count command down the list
.Range("E3").AutoFill Destination:=Range("E3:E" & LR)
End If
' puts autofilter range
If .Range("A2:AK2").AutoFilter = True Then
End If
' Calculate worksheet so it can sort properly
' clears old filters
' filters based on low to high for Qty Used column
.AutoFilter.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:= _
Range("E2"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
With .AutoFilter.Sort
.Header = xlYes
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
' sorts tools for unique numbers
Columns("D:D").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, Unique:=True
' process the next worksheet
End With
Next WS
Set WB = Nothing
Set WS = Nothing