我有一个python / bokeh应用程序,其中我显示了一些个人的时间序列数据,每个人都有单独的情节。这些地块列在一列中。
我有很多人正在考虑,比方说26岁。所以当我启动应用程序时,我有一个26列的列,可以立即进行比较。 (请理解这是一个虚构的例子,只是为了沟通。我的项目要求我不要为同一个图中的所有人叠加数据。我知道散景允许我们通过图例“静音”和“隐藏”图中的图层如果我用相同的数字绘制它们,但我不能这样做。)
在CheckboxGroup小部件中的用户选择中,我需要以交互方式隐藏或显示绘图。我认为应该有一些CustomJS方法,但我无法弄清楚如何。我知道我们可以使用Javascript更改对象的可见性,如下所述:Show/hide 'div' using JavaScript
import string
import random
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.layouts import layout, widgetbox, column
from bokeh.models.widgets import CheckboxGroup, TextInput
from bokeh.models import Range1d
from bokeh.io import curdoc, show
data= dict(zip(list(string.ascii_lowercase), [{"x": [i for i in range(8760)], "y": [random.uniform(35, 40) for x in range(8760)]} for i in range(26)]))
checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=list(string.ascii_lowercase), active=[0, 1, 4, 7, 10])
order = TextInput(title="Arrange plots in order as in this string")
ind = {}
for f in list(string.ascii_lowercase):
ind[f] = figure(plot_width= 800, plot_height= 100, tools ='save, reset, resize')
ind[f].vbar(x= "x", source= data[f], width= 0.5, bottom= 0, top= "y")
ind[f].y_range= Range1d(start= 32, end= 43)
ind[f].title.text = f
p = column(*ind.values())
inputs = widgetbox(*[order, checkbox], sizing_mode='fixed')
l = layout([
[inputs, p],
], sizing_mode='fixed')
curdoc().title = "test"
NB:Python 3和最新版本的散景。
import string
import random
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.layouts import layout, widgetbox, column
from bokeh.models.widgets import CheckboxGroup, TextInput, Select
from bokeh.models import Range1d, ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.io import curdoc, show
data1= dict(zip(list(string.ascii_lowercase), [{"x": [i for i in range(8760)], "y": [random.uniform(35, 40) for x in range(8760)]} for i in range(26)]))
data2= dict(zip(list(string.ascii_lowercase), [{"x": [i for i in range(870)], "y": [random.uniform(140, 200) for x in range(870)]} for i in range(26)]))
select_data = Select(title= "Select dataset", value= "data1", options= ["data1", "data2"])
def data_update(attr, new, old):
for f in list(string.ascii_lowercase):
print(select_data.value + '\n\n')
data[f].data= dict(x= globals()[select_data.value][f]["x"], y= globals()[select_data.value][f]["y"])
data= {f: ColumnDataSource(data= dict(x= data1[f]["x"], y= data1[f]["y"])) for f in list(string.ascii_lowercase)}
checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=list(string.ascii_lowercase), active=[0, 1, 4, 7, 10])
order = TextInput(title="Arrange plots in order as in this string")
ind = {}
for f in list(string.ascii_lowercase):
ind[f] = figure(plot_width= 800, plot_height= 100, tools ='save, reset, resize')
ind[f].vbar(x= "x", source= data[f], width= 0.5, bottom= 0, top= "y")
ind[f].y_range= Range1d(start= 32, end= 43)
ind[f].title.text = f
p = column(*ind.values())
def checkboxchange(attr,new,old):
plots = []
for aind in checkbox.active:
l.children[0].children[1].children = plots
def orderchange(attr,new,old):
# check the checkbox
chval = []
for aind in checkbox.active:
# change the order if all the values in the string are also plotted currently
orderlist = [order.value[i] for i in range(len(order.value))]
if(len(set(orderlist+chval)) == len(chval)):
for aind in orderlist:
l.children[0].children[1].children = plots
order.on_change('value', orderchange)
checkbox.on_change('active', checkboxchange)
select_data.on_change('value', data_update)
inputs = widgetbox(*[select_data, order, checkbox], sizing_mode='fixed')
l = layout([
[inputs, p],
], sizing_mode='fixed')
plots = []
for aind in checkbox.active:
l.children[0].children[1].children = plots
curdoc().title = "test"
答案 0 :(得分:2)
import string
import random
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.layouts import layout, widgetbox, column
from bokeh.models.widgets import CheckboxGroup, TextInput
from bokeh.models import Range1d
from bokeh.io import curdoc, show
data= dict(zip(list(string.ascii_lowercase), [{"x": [i for i in range(8760)], "y": [random.uniform(35, 40) for x in range(8760)]} for i in range(26)]))
checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=list(string.ascii_lowercase), active=[0, 1, 4, 7, 10])
order = TextInput(title="Arrange plots in order as in this string")
ind = {}
for f in list(string.ascii_lowercase):
ind[f] = figure(plot_width= 800, plot_height= 100, tools ='save, reset, resize')
ind[f].vbar(x= "x", source= data[f], width= 0.5, bottom= 0, top= "y")
ind[f].y_range= Range1d(start= 32, end= 43)
ind[f].title.text = f
p = column(*ind.values())
def checkboxchange(attr,new,old):
plots = []
for aind in checkbox.active:
l.children[0].children[1].children = plots
def orderchange(attr,new,old):
# check the checkbox
chval = []
for aind in checkbox.active:
# change the order if all the values in the string are also plotted currently
orderlist = [order.value[i] for i in range(len(order.value))]
if(len(set(orderlist+chval)) == len(chval)):
for aind in orderlist:
l.children[0].children[1].children = plots
order.on_change('value', orderchange)
checkbox.on_change('active', checkboxchange)
inputs = widgetbox(*[order, checkbox], sizing_mode='fixed')
l = layout([
[inputs, p],
], sizing_mode='fixed')
plots = []
for aind in checkbox.active:
l.children[0].children[1].children = plots
curdoc().title = "test"