我使用Unity的JSON序列化在Unity中创建了一个简单的Save Game系统。我的保存游戏非常简单,我只保存角色的位置并加载它。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
public class Actor : MonoBehaviour
public ActorData data = new ActorData(); // to store our data
public void StoreData() // for storing our data
data.pos = transform.position;
public void LoadData() // for loadinjg our data
transform.position = data.pos;
public void ApplyData()
void OnEnable() // to enable the save/load to avoid hanging
SaveData.OnLoaded += LoadData;
SaveData.OnBeforeSave += StoreData;
SaveData.OnBeforeSave += ApplyData;
void OnDisable() // to disable the save/load to avoid hanging
SaveData.OnLoaded -= LoadData;
SaveData.OnBeforeSave -= StoreData;
SaveData.OnBeforeSave -= ApplyData;
[Serializable] // for storing in JSON
public class ActorData // our players attributes in JSON
public Vector3 pos;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
public class ActorContainer
// To store our different actors data
public List<ActorData> actors = new List<ActorData>();
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
public class SaveData
// every actos will be sorted in this actor container when loading the game
public static ActorContainer actorContainer = new ActorContainer(); // static so that we dont have to recreacte savedata everytime
public delegate void SerializeAction();
public static event SerializeAction OnLoaded; // happens after loading
public static event SerializeAction OnBeforeSave; // right before saving
public static void Load(string path) // where the load is
actorContainer = LoadActors(path);
ClearActorList(); // so that there's no duplicates
public static void Save(string path, ActorContainer actors)
OnBeforeSave(); // to throw of the data that was in OnBeforeSave
SaveActors(path, actors); // store all of our actors as json in the file
ClearActorList(); // clear the list so that the next time we save theres no duplicates
public static void AddActorData(ActorData data)
public static void ClearActorList() // to avoid duplicate data
actorContainer.actors.Clear(); // access actors and clear it
private static ActorContainer LoadActors(string path) // path to the JSON
string json = File.ReadAllText(path); // loading all the text out of the file into a string, assuming the text is all JSON
return JsonUtility.FromJson<ActorContainer>(json); // parse the JSON into an ActorContainer type and return in the LoadActors
private static void SaveActors(string path, ActorContainer actors) // where to save and the actors to save
string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(actors);
StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path); // if file doesnt exist, make the file in the specified path
File.WriteAllText(path, json); // fill the file with the data(json)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.IO;
public class GameController : MonoBehaviour
{ // to tell unity what it has to do, a communicator to be used with unity
// trigger buttons
public Button saveButton;
public Button loadButton;
private static string dataPath = string.Empty;
void Awake()
dataPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "actors.json"); // persistentDataPath unity save game path, actors.json name of the file containing actors
// for button
public void Save()
SaveData.Save(dataPath, SaveData.actorContainer);
// for button
public void Load()
{&#34;演员&#34;:[{&#34; POS&#34; {&#34; X&#34;:419.6240539550781,&#34; Y&#34;:5.0189208984375,&#34 ; Z&#34;:0.0}}]}
答案 0 :(得分:1)
。相反,您从尚未更改的公共字段ActorData data
using System.Linq;
// ..
public void LoadData()
// guessing you will implementing an identifier for the separate actors later..
var currentActor = SaveData.actorContainer.First();
transform.position = currentActor.pos;
// also set the loaded data to the field
data = currentActor;
// ..