我有几个气象站,没有软件可以考虑控制台本身的电池电流。 我找到了读取当前控制台的代码,但我想同时读取8个控制台的当前值。
现在连接COM端口和传输速率数据,然后在TXT文件上记录当前电压控制台。 如何修复代码以同时读取几个COM端口?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
public class WeatherLoopData
private int barTrend = 0,
currWindSpeed = 0,
avgWindSpeed = 0,
insideHumidity = 0,
outsideHumidity = 0,
windDirection = 0;
private float voltage = 0;
// private float voltage1 = 0;
private bool transmitter = true;
private float barometer = 0.0F,
insideTemp = 0.0F,
outsideTemp = 0.0F,
dayRain = 0.0F;
private DateTime sunRise = DateTime.Now,
sunSet = DateTime.Now;
public int BarometricTrend { get { return barTrend; } }
public int CurrentWindSpeed { get { return currWindSpeed; } }
public int AvgWindSpeed { get { return avgWindSpeed; } }
public int InsideHumidity { get { return insideHumidity; } }
public int OutsideHumidity { get { return outsideHumidity; } }
public float Barometer { get { return barometer; } }
public float InsideTemperature { get { return insideTemp; } }
public float OutsideTemperature { get { return outsideTemp; } }
public float DailyRain { get { return dayRain; } }
public int WindDirection
get { return windDirection; }
public void Load(byte[] loopArray)
int hours,
string timeString;
DateTime currTime;
barTrend = Convert.ToInt32((sbyte)loopArray[3]); // Sbyte - signed byte
barometer = (float)(BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 7)) / 1000; // Uint16
insideTemp = (float)(BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 9)) / 10; // Uint16
insideHumidity = Convert.ToInt32(loopArray[11]); // Byte - unsigned byte
outsideTemp = (float)(BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 12)) / 10; // Uint16
outsideHumidity = Convert.ToInt32(loopArray[33]); // Byte - unsigned byte
windDirection = BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 16); // Uint16
currWindSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(loopArray[14]); // Byte - unsigned byte
avgWindSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(loopArray[15]); // Byte - unsigned byte
dayRain = (float)(BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 50)) / 100; // Uint16
voltage = (float)BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 87) * 300 / 512 / 100; //Тока на конзолата
//voltage1 = (float)BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 87) * 300 / 512 / 100; //Тока на конзолата
//transmitter = BitConverter.ToBoolean(loopArray, 86); //Не показва тока на трансмитера
// get the current date and time
currTime = DateTime.Now;
// Time from the Vatnage is all in 24-hour format. I move it into a string so I can manipulate it
// more easily.
timeString = BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 91).ToString(); // Uint16
// Exract hours and minutes and convert them to integers - required by Datetime
hours = Convert.ToInt32(timeString.Substring(0, timeString.Length - 2));
minutes = Convert.ToInt32(timeString.Substring(timeString.Length - 2, 2));
// Create a new Datetime instance - use surrent year, month and day
sunRise = new DateTime(currTime.Year, currTime.Month, currTime.Day, hours, minutes, 0);
timeString = BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 93).ToString(); // Uint16
hours = Convert.ToInt32(timeString.Substring(0, timeString.Length - 2));
minutes = Convert.ToInt32(timeString.Substring(timeString.Length - 2, 2));
sunSet = new DateTime(currTime.Year, currTime.Month, currTime.Day, hours, minutes, 0);
public string DebugString()
StringBuilder outputString = new StringBuilder();
Format the string for output
outputString.Append("Barometer: " + barometer.ToString("f2") + "in. " + BarTrendText() + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Inside Temp in F: " + insideTemp.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Inside Humidity: " + insideHumidity.ToString() + "%" + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Outside Temp: " + outsideTemp.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Outside Humidity: " + outsideHumidity.ToString() + "%" + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Wind Direction: " + WindDirectionText() + " @ " + windDirection.ToString() + " degrees" + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Current Wind Speed: " + currWindSpeed.ToString() + "MPH" + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("10 Minute Average Wind Speed: " + avgWindSpeed.ToString() + "MPH" + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Daily Rain: " + dayRain.ToString() + "in" + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Sunrise: " + sunRise.ToString("t") + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Sunset: " + sunSet.ToString("t") + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Voltage: " + voltage.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Transmitter Voltage: " + transmitter.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); */
File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Voltage.txt", "№ станция" + " " + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm}", DateTime.Now) + " " + Convert.ToString(voltage) + "V");
//File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Voltage1.txt", "№ станция" + " " + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm}", DateTime.Now) + " " + Convert.ToString(voltage1) + "V");
return (outputString.ToString());
/* private string BarTrendText()
throw new NotImplementedException();
} */
/* private string WindDirectionText()
throw new NotImplementedException();
} */
public float BatteryVoltage { get { return voltage; } }
//public float BatteryVoltage1 { get { return voltage1; } }
// public bool TransmitterVoltage { get { return transmitter; } }
public DateTime SunRise { get { return sunRise; } }
public DateTime SunSet { get { return sunSet; } }
// Load - dissassembles the byte array passed in and loads it into local data that the accessors can use.
// Actual data is in the format to the right of the assignments - I convert it to make it easier to use
// When bytes have to be assembled into 2-byte, 16-bit numbers, I convert two bytes from the array into
// an Int16 (16-bit integer). When a single byte is all that's needed, I just convert it to an Int32.
// In the end, all integers are cast to Int32 for return.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
public class WeatherLoopData
private int barTrend = 0,
currWindSpeed = 0,
avgWindSpeed = 0,
insideHumidity = 0,
outsideHumidity = 0,
windDirection = 0;
private float voltage = 0;
// private float voltage1 = 0;
private bool transmitter = true;
private float barometer = 0.0F,
insideTemp = 0.0F,
outsideTemp = 0.0F,
dayRain = 0.0F;
private DateTime sunRise = DateTime.Now,
sunSet = DateTime.Now;
public int BarometricTrend { get { return barTrend; } }
public int CurrentWindSpeed { get { return currWindSpeed; } }
public int AvgWindSpeed { get { return avgWindSpeed; } }
public int InsideHumidity { get { return insideHumidity; } }
public int OutsideHumidity { get { return outsideHumidity; } }
public float Barometer { get { return barometer; } }
public float InsideTemperature { get { return insideTemp; } }
public float OutsideTemperature { get { return outsideTemp; } }
public float DailyRain { get { return dayRain; } }
public int WindDirection
get { return windDirection; }
public void Load(byte[] loopArray)
int hours,
string timeString;
DateTime currTime;
barTrend = Convert.ToInt32((sbyte)loopArray[3]); // Sbyte - signed byte
barometer = (float)(BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 7)) / 1000; // Uint16
insideTemp = (float)(BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 9)) / 10; // Uint16
insideHumidity = Convert.ToInt32(loopArray[11]); // Byte - unsigned byte
outsideTemp = (float)(BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 12)) / 10; // Uint16
outsideHumidity = Convert.ToInt32(loopArray[33]); // Byte - unsigned byte
windDirection = BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 16); // Uint16
currWindSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(loopArray[14]); // Byte - unsigned byte
avgWindSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(loopArray[15]); // Byte - unsigned byte
dayRain = (float)(BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 50)) / 100; // Uint16
voltage = (float)BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 87) * 300 / 512 / 100; //Тока на конзолата
//voltage1 = (float)BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 87) * 300 / 512 / 100; //Тока на конзолата
//transmitter = BitConverter.ToBoolean(loopArray, 86); //Не показва тока на трансмитера
// get the current date and time
currTime = DateTime.Now;
// Time from the Vatnage is all in 24-hour format. I move it into a string so I can manipulate it
// more easily.
timeString = BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 91).ToString(); // Uint16
// Exract hours and minutes and convert them to integers - required by Datetime
hours = Convert.ToInt32(timeString.Substring(0, timeString.Length - 2));
minutes = Convert.ToInt32(timeString.Substring(timeString.Length - 2, 2));
// Create a new Datetime instance - use surrent year, month and day
sunRise = new DateTime(currTime.Year, currTime.Month, currTime.Day, hours, minutes, 0);
timeString = BitConverter.ToInt16(loopArray, 93).ToString(); // Uint16
hours = Convert.ToInt32(timeString.Substring(0, timeString.Length - 2));
minutes = Convert.ToInt32(timeString.Substring(timeString.Length - 2, 2));
sunSet = new DateTime(currTime.Year, currTime.Month, currTime.Day, hours, minutes, 0);
public string DebugString()
StringBuilder outputString = new StringBuilder();
Format the string for output
outputString.Append("Barometer: " + barometer.ToString("f2") + "in. " + BarTrendText() + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Inside Temp in F: " + insideTemp.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Inside Humidity: " + insideHumidity.ToString() + "%" + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Outside Temp: " + outsideTemp.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Outside Humidity: " + outsideHumidity.ToString() + "%" + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Wind Direction: " + WindDirectionText() + " @ " + windDirection.ToString() + " degrees" + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Current Wind Speed: " + currWindSpeed.ToString() + "MPH" + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("10 Minute Average Wind Speed: " + avgWindSpeed.ToString() + "MPH" + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Daily Rain: " + dayRain.ToString() + "in" + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Sunrise: " + sunRise.ToString("t") + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Sunset: " + sunSet.ToString("t") + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Voltage: " + voltage.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
outputString.Append("Transmitter Voltage: " + transmitter.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); */
File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Voltage.txt", "№ станция" + " " + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm}", DateTime.Now) + " " + Convert.ToString(voltage) + "V");
//File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Voltage1.txt", "№ станция" + " " + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm}", DateTime.Now) + " " + Convert.ToString(voltage1) + "V");
return (outputString.ToString());
/* private string BarTrendText()
throw new NotImplementedException();
} */
/* private string WindDirectionText()
throw new NotImplementedException();
} */
public float BatteryVoltage { get { return voltage; } }
//public float BatteryVoltage1 { get { return voltage1; } }
// public bool TransmitterVoltage { get { return transmitter; } }
public DateTime SunRise { get { return sunRise; } }
public DateTime SunSet { get { return sunSet; } }
// Load - dissassembles the byte array passed in and loads it into local data that the accessors can use.
// Actual data is in the format to the right of the assignments - I convert it to make it easier to use
// When bytes have to be assembled into 2-byte, 16-bit numbers, I convert two bytes from the array into
// an Int16 (16-bit integer). When a single byte is all that's needed, I just convert it to an Int32.
// In the end, all integers are cast to Int32 for return.
答案 0 :(得分:0)
class Program
const int NUMBER_PORTS = 5;
static void Main(string[] args)
for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_PORTS; i++)
WeatherLoopData newStation = new WeatherLoopData("Com" + (i + 1).ToString());
public class WeatherLoopData
public static List<WeatherLoopData> ports = new List<WeatherLoopData>();
SerialPort port = null;
public WeatherLoopData(string portName)
port = new SerialPort(portName);
//enter your code here