How to render woff fonts in PhantomJS 2.1+ or headless Chrome?

时间:2017-04-10 02:01:34

标签: linux google-chrome phantomjs webfonts woff

I'm using PhantomJS 2.1.1 on CentOS with the example script rasterize.js just to reproduce the screenshot problem, which is to take a screenshot of a simple web-font demo site:

It should render like so (as taken using the SaaS PhantomJSCloud service):

Correct rendering

However, with PhantomJS 2.1.1 locally I get

Failed rendering with incorrect colours

First I increased the script timeout to 10s just to be sure that isn't the issue.

Next I thought the css or fonts were blocked somehow from downloading. When I use tcpflow (it's like wireshark) before running phantomjs scripts I can see that the above web page is downloading the .woff fonts. However, they are not being rendered in the screenshot I'm taking.

When I run the following before the phantomjs script

tcpflow -p -c -i eth0 port 80 | grep -oE '(GET|POST|HEAD) .* HTTP/1.[01]'

I can see the fonts are being downloaded. Real console output:

GET /public/external/georgiapro/demo.htm HTTP/1.1

GET /t/1.css?apiType=css&projectid=4a82c0c9-a48a-4ef5-97ae-de0d7e62c8d0 HTTP/1.1

GET /public/external/georgiapro/Fonts/a5d15255-f5b4-4cca-808f-211ec0f25ac8.woff HTTP/1.1

GET /public/external/georgiapro/Fonts/3859825b-bdc4-47f3-af3d-a2ef42d58cfb.woff HTTP/1.1

... [snip] ...

GET /public/external/georgiapro/Fonts/ab79a7ac-4aaf-4393-896b-feb6610c9528.woff HTTP/1.1

I then thought that PhantomJS 2.x still doesn't support woff, but 1) it is supposed to be supported (see here), and 2) the SaaS PhantomJSCloud service can render them fine. Is there something more that is needed to be done to render web fonts?

Update: I've confirmed zlib is installed, and compiled PhantomJS 2.1.1 from source, but the results are still the same as above.

Update: Chrome has headless support, and that is the reason why on April 13 the maintainer of PhrantomJS has announced he is stepping down. Eventually we will switch to headless Chrome. Can headless Chrome handle web fonts?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




yum install epel-release
yum install nodejs
node --version # to confirm successful install
yum install npm
# OR, for v8
# curl -sL | bash -


npm install chrome-remote-interface --no-bin-links --save
npm install minimist --no-bin-links --save


cd /tmp
yum -y localinstall google-chrome-*
google-chrome --version # to confirm successful install



const CDP = require('chrome-remote-interface');
const argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
const file = require('fs');

// CLI Args
const url = argv.url || '';
const format = argv.format === 'jpeg' ? 'jpeg' : 'png';
const viewportWidth = argv.viewportWidth || 1440;
const viewportHeight = argv.viewportHeight || 900;
const delay = argv.delay || 0;
const userAgent = argv.userAgent;
const fullPage = argv.full;

// Start the Chrome Debugging Protocol
CDP(async function(client) {
  // Extract used DevTools domains.
  const {DOM, Emulation, Network, Page, Runtime} = client;

  // Enable events on domains we are interested in.
  await Page.enable();
  await DOM.enable();
  await Network.enable();

  // If user agent override was specified, pass to Network domain
  if (userAgent) {
    await Network.setUserAgentOverride({userAgent});

  // Set up viewport resolution, etc.
  const deviceMetrics = {
    width: viewportWidth,
    height: viewportHeight,
    deviceScaleFactor: 0,
    mobile: false,
    fitWindow: false,
  await Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride(deviceMetrics);
  await Emulation.setVisibleSize({width: viewportWidth, height: viewportHeight});

  // Navigate to target page
  await Page.navigate({url});

  // Wait for page load event to take screenshot
  Page.loadEventFired(async () => {
    // If the `full` CLI option was passed, we need to measure the height of
    // the rendered page and use Emulation.setVisibleSize
    if (fullPage) {
      const {root: {nodeId: documentNodeId}} = await DOM.getDocument();
      const {nodeId: bodyNodeId} = await DOM.querySelector({
        selector: 'body',
        nodeId: documentNodeId,
      const {model: {height}} = await DOM.getBoxModel({nodeId: bodyNodeId});

      await Emulation.setVisibleSize({width: viewportWidth, height: height});
      // This forceViewport call ensures that content outside the viewport is
      // rendered, otherwise it shows up as grey. Possibly a bug?
      await Emulation.forceViewport({x: 0, y: 0, scale: 1});

    setTimeout(async function() {
      const screenshot = await Page.captureScreenshot({format});
      const buffer = new Buffer(, 'base64');
      file.writeFile('output.png', buffer, 'base64', function(err) {
        if (err) {
        } else {
          console.log('Screenshot saved');
    }, delay);
}).on('error', err => {
  console.error('Cannot connect to browser:', err);


nohup google-chrome --headless --hide-scrollbars --remote-debugging-port=9222 --disable-gpu &



node screenshot.js --url="" --outFile="screenshot.png" --format="jpeg" --viewportWidth=1440 --viewportHeight=900 --delay=1000





Browser cap

答案 1 :(得分:0)

