Can I have a heterogeneous collection in Realm Swift?

时间:2017-04-10 01:14:33

标签: swift realm

I would like to have an object that is an ordered collection of multiple different kinds of Realm Objects, like so...

public class One: Object {
    dynamic var name = ""

public class Two: Object {
    dynamic var label = ""

public class Listing: Object {
    let onesAndTwos = List<Object>()

Is there an elegant way to do this?

I know I can add an Enum-like wrapper object...

public class OneOrTwo: Object {
    dynamic var one: One?
    dynamic var two: Two?

public class Listing: Object {
    let onesAndTwos = List<OneOrTwo>()

But I'd like to avoid that indirection, if possible.

1 个答案:

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请在SciPy 2015的文档中了解详情,这可以解释为什么它不可能。

