I am following this tutorial on Spring Boot with OAuth: https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/spring-boot-oauth2/
In the 'click' app, I added:
clientId: 233668646673605
clientSecret: 33b17e044ee6a4fa383f46ec6e28ea1d
scope: email <------- ***** THIS IS WHAT I ADDED ***** ---------
accessTokenUri: https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token
userAuthorizationUri: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth
tokenName: oauth_token
authenticationScheme: query
clientAuthenticationScheme: form
userInfoUri: https://graph.facebook.com/me
org.springframework.security: DEBUG
I used one of my test Facebook accounts and everything worked. The Principal object contained the email address. The credentials in the above-mentioned config file were part of the tutorial.
To test things out with my own OAuth registered app, I went to my regular account and created a Facebook developer account with an app that used the Facebook Login as a product.
I then placed my own clientId and clientSecret into the YAML file, repackaged the app and ran it.
The email address for the same test Facebook account was not received from Facebook.
Any ideas as to why the one in the tutorial worked and mine didn't?
Here is what my Facebook Login config looks like:
Any ideas?
Any help would be much appreciated!
答案 0 :(得分:11)
Ok, I FINALLY figured it out, so posting it here for whoever else may run into this. I couldn't find the answer so easily.
You wrote that tutorial before Facebook Graph API changed.
Now, just because you specify 'scope: email', it just allows you to get the email (after user approves). However, to actually get the email, you need to explicitely specify that in the URL itself. So, in the config above, this line would change (not the extra '?fields=email,name'):
userInfoUri: https://graph.facebook.com/me?fields=email,name
This is a change to the Facebook API as of version 2.4. It's at 2.8 as of this writing. See this link: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2015/07/08/graph-api-v2.4/
(In particular, pay attention to what it says in the 3rd bullet, starting with 'Fewer default fields for faster performance..'
Hope this helps someone!
答案 1 :(得分:1)
不要公开发布您的 CLIENT_ID 或 CLIENT_SECRET 或将它们放在您的 app.js 等中。正确的协议是创建一个 .env 文件(前面的 . 表示它保持隐藏状态,还将这个“.env”文件添加到你的“.ignore”文件中,这样它就不会被上传到 github 或任何其他你的仓库上传文件到。) 在 .env 文件中,您应该输入以下行: FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID:123456789(这里的数字是给你的) FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET:987654321(这个号码又给你了)
*请注意 : 左侧的内容全部为大写并带有下划线,并且 : 的两侧不应有任何空格: 也没有逗号或;行与行之间。
然后在您的应用程序中,您应该将这些称为 process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID 和 process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET(或者您调用它们的方式,只要它们匹配并加上前面的“process.env.”即可。
1) 在命令字段或类似字段中安装它 (npm i dotenv)。
2) require("dotenv").config();在应用代码的第 1 行(或在其他要求之前尽可能接近)