"/*fac_loop (p.23)*/\ny:=1;\nwhile !(x=1) do (\n y:=y*x;\n x:=x-1\n)"
(Comp (Ass "y" (N 1)) (While (Neg (Eq (V "x") (N 1))) (Comp (Ass "y"
(Mult (V "y") (V "x"))) (Ass "x" (Sub (V "x") (N 1))))))
module SecondAttempt where
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.String
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Prelude hiding (Num)
import qualified Prelude (Num)
--- Proc definition
-- S ::= x:=a
-- | skip
-- |S1 ;S2
-- | if b then S1 else S2
-- | while b do S
-- | begin Dv Dv S end
-- | call p
-- Dv ::= var x := a ; DV | ε
-- Dp ::= proc p is S ; DP | ε
--- Types
type Num = Integer
type Var = String
type Pname = String
type DecV = [(Var,Aexp)]
type DecP = [(Pname,Stm)]
--- Data structures
data Aexp = N Num
| V Var
| Mult Aexp Aexp
| Add Aexp Aexp
| Sub Aexp Aexp
data Bexp = TRUE
| Neg Bexp
| And Bexp Bexp
| Le Aexp Aexp
| Eq Aexp Aexp
data Stm = Skip
| Ass Var Aexp
| Comp Stm Stm
| If Bexp Stm Stm
| While Bexp Stm
| Block DecV DecP Stm
| Call Pname
--- Parser Preliminaries
cr :: Parser [Char]
cr = many (oneOf "\r\n")
tok :: String -> Parser String
tok t = string t <* whitespace
whitespace :: Parser ()
whitespace = many (oneOf " \t") *> pure ()
--- Parser
aexp :: Parser Aexp
aexp = N <$ tok "N" <*> num
<|> V <$ tok "V" <*> var
<|> Mult <$ tok "Mult" <*> aexp <* tok "*" <*> aexp
<|> Add <$ tok "Add" <*> aexp <* tok "+" <*> aexp
<|> Sub <$ tok "Sub" <*> aexp <* tok "-" <*> aexp
bexp :: Parser Bexp
bexp = TRUE <$ tok "TRUE"
<|> FALSE <$ tok "FALSE"
<|> Neg <$ tok "Neg" <* tok "!" <*> bexp
<|> And <$ tok "And" <*> bexp <* tok "&" <*> bexp
<|> Le <$ tok "Le" <*> aexp <* tok "<=" <*> aexp
<|> Eq <$ tok "Eq" <*> aexp <* tok "=" <*> aexp
stm :: Parser Stm
stm = Ass <$ tok "Ass" <*> var <* tok ":=" <*> aexp
<|> Comp <$ tok "Comp" <*> stm <* tok ";" <*> stm
<|> Skip <$ tok "Skip"
<|> If <$ tok "If" <*> bexp <* tok "then" <*> stm <* tok "else" <*> stm
<|> While <$ tok "While" <*> bexp <* tok "do" <*> stm
<|> Block <$ tok "begin" <*> decv <*> decp <*> stm <* tok "end"
<|> Call <$ tok "call" <*> pname
num :: Parser Num
num = (some (oneOf ['0' .. '9']) >>= return . read) <* whitespace
var :: Parser Var
var = tok "\"" *> some (noneOf ("\n\r\"")) <* tok "\""
decv :: Parser DecV
decv = var <* tok ":=" <*> aexp <* tok ";" <*> decv
decp :: Parser DecP
decp = pname <* tok "is" <*> stm <* tok ";" <*> decp
pname :: Parser Pname
pname = tok "\"" *> some (noneOf ("\n\r\"")) <* tok "\""
true :: Bool
true = True
false :: Bool
false = False
Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘Aexp -> DecV -> DecV’
Expected type: ParsecT
Dec String Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Aexp -> `DecV -> DecV)
Actual type: Parser Var
In the first argument of ‘(<*)’, namely ‘var’
In the first argument of ‘(<*>)’, namely ‘var <* tok ":="’
Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘Stm -> DecP -> DecP’
Expected type: ParsecT
Dec String Data.Functor.Identity.Identity (Stm -> DecP -> DecP)
Actual type: Parser Pname
In the first argument of ‘(<*)’, namely ‘pname’
In the first argument of ‘(<*>)’, namely ‘pname <* tok "is"’
答案 0 :(得分:1)
decv :: Parser DecV
decv = var <* tok ":=" <*> aexp <* tok ";" <*> decv
decp :: Parser DecP
decp = pname <* tok "is" <*> stm <* tok ";" <*> decp
decv :: Parser DecV
decv = many ((,) <$> var <* tok ":=" <*> aexp <* tok ";")
decp :: Parser DecP
decp = many ((,) <$> pname <* tok "is" <*> stm <* tok ";")