user_input = "";
answer = "";
Array.greeting = ["hi", "hello"]
Array.names = ["john","james"]
user_input = document.getElementById('user_input').value.toLowerCase();
document.getElementById('text_input').innerHTML = user_input;
documnet.getElementById('say_something').innerHTML = say;
if(Array.greeting.includes(user_input) > 0){
say = "Hello";
if(Array.names.includes(user_input) > 0){
say = "User";
这就是我所理解的并且已经启动并运行了正确的输出,但我怎么能使用输入“hi john”并获得“Hello User”的输出而不将其烘焙成阵列?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
让我们简化您的要求: 你想检查数组中是否有任何元素" arr"包含字符串" s"。
的一部分var check = function(arr, s) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (s.indexOf(arr[i]) > -1) {
return true;
return false;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
var greetings = ["hi", "hello"];
var names = ["john","james"];
submit.onclick = function () {
// Split input into words, and convert that array to a Set for fast lookup
var words = new Set(user_input.value.split(/\s+/));
// Choose a greeting that is not among the input words.
// If all of them occur in the input, take the first greeting word
var greeting = greetings.find( greeting => !words.has(greeting)) || greetings[0];
// Choose a name that is not among the input words (or take the first)
var name = names.find( name => !words.has(name)) || names[0];
// Output with textContent (not innerHTML!)
text_input.textContent = user_input.value;
say_something.textContent = greeting + ' ' + name;
Input: <input id="user_input"><button id="submit">Submit</button><br>
You said: <span id="text_input"></span><br>
Reply: <span id="say_something"></span>
显然,当你同时输入&#34; hi&#34;并且&#34;你好&#34;,代码将找不到要使用的问候语。在这种情况下,它使用数组中的第一个问候语(&#34; hi&#34;)。同样的原则适用于名称。