我有房间邮箱的完全访问权限(" conf1@xyz.com")。所以我可以检索在会议室安排的所有会议。在检索约会时,我将主题作为组织者名称而不是约会主体。
例如: 创建约会给定数据时
会议组织者: Suneel@xyz.com
与会者: x@xyz.com
位置: conf1@xyz.com
从Room获取数据时获取主题为" Suneel"而不是" Test1"
CalendarView cView1 = new CalendarView(fromDate, toDate);
FolderId foldertest = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, new Mailbox("conf1@xyz.com"));
FindItemsResults<Appointment> findResults =
service.FindAppointments(foldertest, cView1);
findResults.Items.ToList().ForEach(d =>
Appointment appointment = Appointment.Bind(service, new
答案 0 :(得分:0)
What your seeing is normal depending on the configuration of the Meeting room eg for privacy reasons you don't want the subject of every Meeting visible to all users that have access to the Meeting room. You can change this configuration using Set-CalendarProcessing https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd335046(v=exchg.160).aspx and use the -AddOrganizerToSubject switch