
时间:2017-04-07 23:35:53

标签: php jquery jquery-plugins jquery-file-upload blueimp


这是我内置的UploadHandler.php文件的错误消息部分(我无法共享整个文件的限制原因,所以我只是复制相关部分。)位于server / php / UploadHandler.php上。我已将错误文本更改为我自己的语言,但它没有受到影响。我在stackoverflow上阅读了几乎所有关于这个插件的文章,我找不到任何令人满意的解决方案。等待你的帮助,提前致谢。

class UploadHandler

    protected $options;

    // PHP File Upload error message codes:
    // http://php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.errors.php
    protected $error_messages = array(
        1 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini',
        2 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form',
        3 => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded',
        4 => 'No file was uploaded',
        6 => 'Missing a temporary folder',
        7 => 'Failed to write file to disk',
        8 => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload',
        'post_max_size' => 'The uploaded file exceeds the post_max_size directive in php.ini',
        'max_file_size' => 'File is too big',
        'min_file_size' => 'File is too small',
        'accept_file_types' => 'Filetype not allowed',
        'max_number_of_files' => 'Maximum number of files exceeded',
        'max_width' => 'Image exceeds maximum width',
        'min_width' => 'Image requires a minimum width',
        'max_height' => 'Image exceeds maximum height',
        'min_height' => 'Image requires a minimum height',
        'abort' => 'File upload aborted',
        'image_resize' => 'Failed to resize image'


这是我的main.js文件位于js / main.js

$(function () {
    'use strict';

    // Initialize the jQuery File Upload widget:
        // Uncomment the following to send cross-domain cookies:
        //xhrFields: {withCredentials: true},
        url: 'server/php/'

    // Enable iframe cross-domain access via redirect option:

    if (window.location.hostname === 'blueimp.github.io') {
        // Demo settings:
        $('#fileupload').fileupload('option', {
            url: '//jquery-file-upload.appspot.com/',
            // Enable image resizing, except for Android and Opera,
            // which actually support image resizing, but fail to
            // send Blob objects via XHR requests:
            disableImageResize: /Android(?!.*Chrome)|Opera/
            maxFileSize: 999000,
            acceptFileTypes: /(\.|\/)(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i
        // Upload server status check for browsers with CORS support:
        if ($.support.cors) {
                url: '//jquery-file-upload.appspot.com/',
                type: 'HEAD'
            }).fail(function () {
                $('<div class="alert alert-danger"/>')
                    .text('Upload server currently unavailable - ' +
                            new Date())
    } else {
        // Load existing files:
            // Uncomment the following to send cross-domain cookies:
            //xhrFields: {withCredentials: true},
            url: $('#fileupload').fileupload('option', 'url'),
            dataType: 'json',
            context: $('#fileupload')[0]
        }).always(function () {
        }).done(function (result) {
            $(this).fileupload('option', 'done')
                .call(this, $.Event('done'), {result: result});


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


在jquery_upload / js中找到jquery.fileupload-validade.js

