C ++ 0x中的完美转发是否会使reference_wrapper弃用?

时间:2010-12-01 18:01:57

标签: c++ c++11


#include <functional>

using namespace std;
using namespace std::tr1;

void f(int& r) { r++; }

template<class F, class P> void g1(F f, P t) { f(t); }
template<class F, class P> void g2(F f, P&& t) { f(forward<P>(t)); }

int main()
    int i = 0;

    g1(f, ref(i)); // old way, ugly way
    g2(f, i); // new way, elegant way

在C ++ 98中,我们没有很好的方法通过模板函数来完善前向参数。因此,C ++大师发明了ref和cref来实现这一目标。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

参考包装器仍然有用。这是关于存储东西的情况。例如,使用引用包装器,您可以使std :: make_tuple和std :: thread创建引用某些参数而不是复制它们的对象:

class abstract_job
    virtual ~abstract_job() {}
    virtual void run() = 0;

class thread
    template<class Fun, class... Args>
    thread(Fun&& f, Args&&... args)
        typedef typename decay<Fun>::type fun_type;
        typedef decltype( make_tuple(forward<Args>(args)...) ) tuple_type;
        unique_ptr<abstract_job> ptr (new my_job<fun_type,tuple_type>(
        // somehow pass pointer 'ptr' to the new thread
        // which is supposed to invoke ptr->run();


void foo(const int&);

int main()
   thread t (foo, 42); // 42 is copied and foo is invoked 
   t.join()            // with a reference to this copy
   int i = 23;
   thread z (foo, std::cref(i)); // foo will get a reference to i


make_tuple(std::ref(i))  // yields a tuple<int&>
make_tuple(         i )  // yields a tuple<int>

干杯! 小号

答案 1 :(得分:2)

假设reference_wrapper是为此而设的。相反,它似乎主要是允许通过引用传递函数对象,它们通常通过值来获取。 - 如果你把参数改为T&&,那是不是意味着按价值传递东西变得不可能?

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>

class X: public std::unary_function<int, void>
    int n;
    X(): n(0) {}
    void operator()(int m) {n += m;}
    int get_n() const { return n; }

template <class Iter, class Fun>
void for_each(Iter from, Iter to, Fun&& fun)
    for (; from != to; ++from)

int main()
    int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
    X x1;
    ::for_each(a, a + 3, x1);
    std::cout << x1.get_n() << '\n';  //6

    X x2;
    std::for_each(a, a + 3, x2);
    std::cout << x2.get_n() << '\n';  //0

    X x3;
    std::for_each(a, a + 3, std::ref(x3));
    std::cout << x3.get_n() << '\n';  //6