set yrange [0:${COURSETARGET}*1.2]
set y2range [0:${ATTENDANCETARGET}*1.2]
我有一个箭头from graph 0, graph 0 to graph 1, second ${TARGET}
答案 0 :(得分:1)
set terminal pngcairo
set output 'fig.png'
unset key
r = 0.75
xMin = 10.
xMax = 120.
yMin = 0.
yMax = 100.
y2Min = 500.
y2Max = 1000.
y2Ref = 800.
set angles degrees
#explicitly set the ratio of y/y2-axis "display" length to x-axis length
set size ratio r
#set ranges
set xr [xMin:xMax]
set yr [yMin:yMax]
set y2r [y2Min:y2Max]
set y2tics
set arrow from graph 0, graph 0 to graph 1, second y2Ref
#the tangent of the angle of interest is given as dy/dx*r, where
#dy is the fraction of the y2axis (one side of the triangle), dx is
#the fraction of the x-axis spanning the bottom side of the triangle
#(dx=1 in this particular case since the arrow is drawn across the
#entire graph) and r is used in order to convert between the "display
#units on x/y axes". Result is in degrees because of: set angles degrees.
alpha = atan((y2Ref - y2Min)/(y2Max - y2Min) * r)
x0 = (xMin + xMax)/2
y0 = (y2Ref - y2Min)/(xMax - xMin)*(x0 - xMin) + y2Min
set label "some label" at x0, second y0 rotate by alpha offset 0, char 1.*cos(alpha)
plot 1/0 #just to show the plot