使用c ++中的链接列表按字母顺序对字符串进行排序

时间:2017-04-06 05:15:09

标签: c++ string sorting linked-list






我的理解是:我需要创建一个新的节点,它将是一个空列表,意思是void StringList::sort() { StringNode *newList = new StringNode; newList = NULL; string mini; bool removed; while (newList->next != NULL) { StringNode *newList2 = new StringNode; StringNode *p = head; mini = minimum(); p->data = mini; p->next = NULL; newList2 = newList2->next; newList2->next = p; removed = remove(mini); newList = newList2; } } 然后在循环中我需要创建另一个新节点,以及一个指向新头部的指针循环内的节点。我需要将最小值给出的值存储在指针newList->next = NULL;中,指针指向新节点。



// StringList.cpp


// StringList.h

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "StringList.h"

using namespace std;

// StringList: creates an empty list

    head = NULL;

// StringList: deallocates all the nodes in StringList

    StringNode *p;
    StringNode *n;

    p = head;

    while (p != NULL)
        n = p->next;
        delete p;
        p = n;


// count: returns the total number of nodes in the list.

int StringList::count()
    int count = 0;
    StringNode *p;
    p = head;
    while ( p != NULL )
       p = p->next;
    return count;

// add: adds a new node to the beginning of the list.

void StringList::add(string movie)
    StringNode *newNode = new StringNode;
    newNode->data = movie;
    newNode->next = head;
    head = newNode;

// remove: removes a node containing the string from linked list
// returns true if successful or false the string is not in the list

bool StringList::remove(string movie)
    StringNode *p = head;
    StringNode *n = NULL;

    while (p != NULL && p->data != movie )
        n = p;
        p = p->next;

      if (p == NULL )
         return false;
      else if (p->data == movie)
         n->next = p->next;
         delete p;
         return true;

//display: Displays the strings in the list.

void StringList::display()
    StringNode *p;
    p = head;

    while (p != NULL)
        cout << p->data << " ";
        p = p->next;
    cout << endl;

//minimum: return the string in alphabetical order

string StringList::minimum()
    StringNode *p = head;

    string minimum = p->data;

    while (p->next != NULL)
        p = p->next;
        if(minimum > p->data)
             minimum = p->data;
    return minimum;


//sort: will call the minimum function and remove function

 void StringList::sort()
StringNode* newhead;  // create a new head pointer
string mini;
bool removed; 

//adding the first node to the new list.
StringNode *newnode = new StringNode;
mini = minimum();  // get the minimum from the existing linked list
newnode->data = mini; 
newnode->next = NULL;
newhead=newnode; //add the minimum node to the new list(with the newhead)
StringNode *p = newhead;

while (head != NULL) // loop should run until there's no node left in the original list
    StringNode *newnode = new StringNode;
    mini = minimum();  // get the minimum from the existing linked list
    newnode->data = mini; 
    newnode->next = NULL;
    p->next=newnode; //add the minimum node to the new list(with the newhead pointer)
    removed = remove(mini);
 head=newhead; //finally change the head pointer, so that the head now points to sorted list.

// Driver.cpp


#include <string>
using namespace std;

class StringList
    struct StringNode          // the Nodes of the linked list
        string data;           // data is a string
        StringNode *next;      // points to next node in list

    StringNode *head;           // the head pointer


    int count();
    void add(string);
    bool remove(string);
    void display();
    string minimum();
    void sort();


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


bool StringList::remove(string movie)
StringNode *p = head;
StringNode *n = NULL;
if(p->data==movie)  //added this condition
    delete p;
    return true;
while (p != NULL && p->data != movie )
    n = p;
    p = p->next;

  if (p == NULL )
     return false;
  else if (p->data == movie)
     n->next = p->next;
     delete p;
     return true;



void StringList::sort()
   string mini;
   bool removed;

  //adding the first node to the new list.
  StringNode *newnode1 = new StringNode;
  mini = minimum();  // get the minimum from the existing linked list
  newnode1->data = mini;
  newnode1->next = NULL;
  removed =remove(mini);
  StringNode *p = newnode1;

while (head != NULL) // the loop should run until the original list is empty
  StringNode *newnode = new StringNode;
  mini = minimum();  // get the minimum from the existing linked list
  newnode->data = mini;
  newnode->next = NULL;
  p->next=newnode; //add the minimum node to the new list
  removed = remove(mini);
   head=newnode1; //finally change the head pointer, so that the head now points to sorted list.