
时间:2017-04-05 22:02:27

标签: javascript image promise pouchdb

我有一个图像表,我需要从中获取多组图像。我无法找到一种简单的方法来做到这一点。我需要为每个图像(或图像集)循环.get promise调用。


以下代码有一个数组,其中数组的每个单元格都有一个字符串,其中包含ID和附加列表(用逗号分隔 - 因此分割)已添加到此图像集。 s [0]是图像ID,是发送给" .get"获取我返回的图像记录并将每个图像分开以用于其他地方。




    if (insertedImages != "") {
       s = insertedImages[0].split(",");
       return DB_TaskImages.get(s[0], { attachments: true });
    else {
 }).then(function (doc) {
    if (doc != null) {

       iTemp = 0;



     var insertedImages = [];

     DB_WorkIssues.allDocs({ include_docs: true, descending: false }).then(function (response) {

        data = response.rows;
        imageKtr = 0;

        for (var i = 0; i < response.total_rows; i++) {
           if (data[i].doc.IsAttachmentInserted) {
              DirtyFlag = true;
              if (data[i].doc.IsAttachmentInserted) {
                 insertedImages[imageKtr++] = data[i].doc._id + "," + data[i].doc.IsAttachmentInserted;
              updated[iTemp++] = data[i];

        if (updated.length > 0) {

        // Handle images - only handling the 1st image record here

        if (insertedImages != "") {
           s = insertedImages[0].split(",");
           return DB_TaskImages.get(s[0], { attachments: true });
        else {
     }).then(function (doc) {
        if (doc != null) {

           iTemp = 0;

           for (var key in doc._attachments) {
              if (iTemp > 0) {
                 attachments[iTemp] = new Array();
              attachments[iTemp][0] = key;
              attachments[iTemp++][1] = doc._attachments[key];
        if (iTemp > 0) {
           if (attachments[0].length > 0) {
     }).then(function () {


        // insertedImages would be an array of something like: "819218,fighterjet.jpg, lions.jpg" 
        // where 819218 is the key for the image record and then a list of images.

        var s;

        if (insertedImages != "") {
           for (var i = 0; i < insertedImages.length;i++) {
              s = insertedImages[i].split(",");
              return DB_TaskImages.get(s[0], { attachments: true });

我在考虑做些什么我会移动所有的&#34; s [0]&#34;进入一个数组并以某种方式使用Promise.all,然后thenable将成为.all函数的一部分。只是不知道该怎么做。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可以使用db.allDocs({keys: …})一次获取多个文档。根据您的使用案例和文档结构,创建一个仅发出带附件的文档的小视图可能更容易。


 DB_WorkIssues.allDocs({ include_docs: true, descending: false }).then(function (response) {

    // We only need the `doc` property from each row, so we map the docs functionally.
    var docs = response.rows.map(function (row) { return row.doc; });
    // Filter to docs with images.
    var docsWithImages = docs.filter(function (doc) { return doc.IsAttachmentInserted; });

    if (docsWithImages.length) {
      // I don't know what this does, so I left it here. Side effect?

      // Depending on how many documents you have and how large they are,
      // it might be a good strategy to fetch the images in multiple batches.
      // Then you should use Promise.all().
      var keys = docsWithImages.map(function(doc) { return doc._id; });
      return DB_TaskImages.allDocs({ keys: keys, include_docs: true, attachments: true });

    // Return an empty response if there are no images.
    return {};
 }).then(function (imagesResponse) {
   var attachmentObjects = imagesResponse.rows
     // Map the rows to the documents.
     .map(function(row) { return row.doc; })
     // Make sure there are only documents with attachments. This shouldn't be necessary if the flag `IsAttachmentInserted` is always consistent with the _attachments property, but let's make extra sure.
      .filter(function (doc) { return !!doc._attachments; })
      .map(function (doc) { return doc._attachments });

    // Extract the attachments as array. I'd say that another structure would be easier to read and process, but as your function ends there, I can't say for sure.
    var attachments = attachmentObjects.reduce(function (list, attachmentObject) {
      for (var key in attachmentObject) {
        list.push([key, attachmentObject[key]);
      return list;
    }, []);
    return attachments;
  }).then(function () {


 DB_WorkIssues.allDocs({ include_docs: true, descending: false }).then(({rows}) => {
   const docsWithImages = rows
     .map(({doc}) => doc)
     .filter(({IsAttachmentInserted}) => IsAttachmentInserted);

   if (docsWithImages.length) {
     return DB_TaskImages.allDocs({ keys: docsWithImages.map(({_id}) => _id), include_docs: true, attachments: true });
    return {};
 }).then(({rows}) =>
   rows.map(({doc: {_attachments}) => _attachments)
   .filter(att => att)
   .reduce((list, attachmentObject) => {
     for (var key in attachmentObject) {
       list.push([key, attachmentObject[key]);
     return list;
   }, [])
  }).then(function () {