
时间:2017-04-05 18:27:21

标签: python twitter tweepy

tweepy api的新手。


        if retweeted is not None and not retweeted and not from_self:

            tweetId = tweet.get('id_str')
            screenName = tweet.get('user',{}).get('screen_name')
            tweetText = tweet.get('text')

            chatResponse = chatbot.respond(tweetText)

            replyText = '@' + screenName + ' ' + chatResponse

            #check if repsonse is over 140 char
            if len(replyText) > 140:
                replyText = replyText[0:139] + '…'

            print('Tweet ID: ' + tweetId)
            print('From: ' + screenName)
            print('Tweet Text: ' + tweetText)
            print('Reply Text: ' + replyText)

            # If rate limited, the status posts should be queued up and sent on an interval
            twitterApi.update_status(status=replyText, in_reply_to_status_id=tweetId)

    def on_error(self, status):
        print status


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