# creating a sample data.frame with your lat/lon points
lon <- c(known_long_lat$takeoff.longitude)
lat <- c(known_long_lat$takeoff.latitude)
df <- as.data.frame(cbind(lon,lat))
# getting the map
mapgilbert <- get_map(location = c(lon = mean(df$lon), lat = mean(df$lat)), zoom = 4, maptype = "satellite", scale = 2)
# plotting the map with some points on it
ggmap(mapgilbert) +
geom_point(data = df, aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = "red", alpha = 0.8),
size = 5, shape = 21) +
guides(fill=FALSE, alpha=FALSE, size=FALSE)`
if(lon&lt; -180 || lon&gt; 180){: 缺少需要TRUE / FALSE的值 另外:警告信息: 1:在mean.default(df $ lon)中: 参数不是数字或逻辑:返回NA 2:在mean.default(df $ lat)中: 参数不是数字或逻辑:返回NA