
时间:2017-04-05 07:25:08

标签: regex macos perl awk sed

我试图为每两行文本插入一个新行,除非我想在遇到新段落(连续两行)时重新启动此模式。 (我想要的输出不应该有三个连续的新行。)


This is my first
line to appear in
the text.

I need the second
line to appear in
the way that follows
the pattern specified.

I am not sure if
the third line will
appear as I want it
to appear because sometimes
the new line happens where
there are two consecutive 
new lines.


This is my first
line to appear in

the text.

I need the second
line to appear in

the way that follows
the pattern specified.

I am not sure if
the third line will

appear as I want it
to appear because sometimes

the new line happens where
there are two consecutive

new lines.


    awk -v n=2 '1; NR % n == 0 {print ""}'


This is my first
line to appear in

the text.

I need the second

line to appear in
the way that follows

the pattern specified.

I am not sure if
the third line will

appear as I want it
to appear because sometimes

the new line happens where
there are two consecutive

new lines.


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


perl -00 -ple 's/.*\n.*\n/$&\n/g'


This is my first
line to appear in

the text.

I need the second
line to appear in

the way that follows
the pattern specified.

I am not sure if
the third line will

appear as I want it
to appear because sometimes

the new line happens where
there are two consecutive 

new lines.


perl -00 -ple 's/(?:.*\n){2}\K/\n/g'

答案 1 :(得分:3)


perl -00 -ple '$i = 0; s/\n/($i++ % 2) ? "\n\n" : "\n"/eg'
  • -00打开"段落模式",即Perl以至少两个换行符分隔的块读取输入。
  • -l在读取后从每个块的末尾删除两个换行符,但在打印前将它们返回,避免连续三个换行符。
  • /e将替换的右侧评估为代码。
  • $i++ % 2是增量加模数。它在每个块中为第1,3,5等行返回1.
  • condition ? then : else是三元运算符。第1,3,5行的换行符将被两个换行符替换,其他换行符将保留。
  • $i重置为每个块再次从0开始。

答案 2 :(得分:2)


use strict;
use warnings;

my $str = do { local $/; <DATA> };
my $i = 0;
$str =~ s/(\n+)/
  if (length $1 > 1) {
      $i = 0;
  else {
      $i++ % 2 ? "\n\n" : "\n"
print $str;

This is my first
line to appear in
the text.

I need the second
line to appear in
the way that follows
the pattern specified.

I am not sure if
the third line will
appear as I want it
to appear because sometimes
the new line happens where
there are two consecutive 
new lines.


This is my first
line to appear in

the text.

I need the second
line to appear in

the way that follows
the pattern specified.

I am not sure if
the third line will

appear as I want it
to appear because sometimes

the new line happens where
there are two consecutive 

new lines.

答案 3 :(得分:1)

这可能适合你(GNU sed):

sed '/\S/!d;n;//!b;$!G' file



sed '/\S/!d;n;//G' file


sed '/\S/!d;:a;N;/\n\s*$/b;s/[^\n]*/&/5;Ta;G' file


答案 4 :(得分:0)



# Remember line count in the paragraph with n
NF  { n++ }
!NF { n=0 }

# Only emit new-line if n is non-zero and the previous line 
# number is divisible by m
n>=m && (n-1)%m==0 { printf "\n" }

# Print $0


awk -v m=2 -f parse.awk file


awk -f parse.awk m=2 file m=3 file

下面是第二次调用的输出,并在脚本中添加了以下标题(标题是GNU awk特定的):

  n = 0; 
  if(FNR != NR) 
    printf "\n\n"; print "===>>>   " FILENAME ", m=" m "   <<<==="


===>>>   file, m=2   <<<===
This is my first
line to appear in

the text.

I need the second
line to appear in

the way that follows
the pattern specified.

I am not sure if
the third line will

appear as I want it
to appear because sometimes

the new line happens where
there are two consecutive 

new lines.

===>>>   file, m=3   <<<===
This is my first
line to appear in
the text.

I need the second
line to appear in
the way that follows

the pattern specified.

I am not sure if
the third line will
appear as I want it

to appear because sometimes
the new line happens where
there are two consecutive 

new lines.


{n=NF?n+1:0}(n-1)%m==0&&n>=m{printf "\n"}1