无法使用Go with BurntSushi库读取TOML文件

时间:2017-04-04 22:04:59

标签: go toml




package main

//ConfigurationParameters provides the struct to hold configuration parameters from config file
type ConfigurationParameters struct {
    Title string
    //serviceDiscovery captures configuration parameters needed for service discovery registration with Consul
    ServiceDiscovery ConsulConf `toml:"ServiceDiscovery"`
    //metadataReporting captures which metadata to be registered with service into consul for use during discovery
    MetadataReporting MetaDataConf `toml:"MetadataReporting"`
    //awsTagsToLabels captures the aws tags that should be added to reported metrics as Labels
    AwsTagsToLabels LabelConf `toml:"AwsTagsToLabels"`
    //collectors captures the list of collectors to use
    Collectors CollectorConf `toml:"Collectors"`
    //service captures agent related configurations
    Service ServiceConf `toml:"Service"`

//ConsulConf captures configuration parameters needed for service discovery registration with Consul
type ConsulConf struct {
    enabled    bool
    endpoint   string
    port       int
    datacenter string
    serviceID  string
//MetaDataConf captures which metadata to be registered with service into consul for use during discovery
    type MetaDataConf struct {
        enabled   bool
        awsregion string
//LabelConf captures the aws tags that should be added to reported metrics as Labels
type LabelConf struct {
    enabled       bool
    refreshPeriod int

//CollectorConf captures the list of collectors to use
type CollectorConf struct {
    goCollectionEnabled       bool
    exporterCollectionEnabled bool
    wmiCollectionEnabled      bool
    agentCollectionEnabled    bool
    enabledCollectors         string
    metricMap                 []MetricMap

//MetricMap captures a mapping between one or more WMI metrics and the name it should be reported with
type MetricMap struct {
    wmiMetricName  []string
    exportName     string
    dropMetric     bool
    computedMetric bool
    computeLogic   string

//ServiceConf captures agent related configurations
type ServiceConf struct {
    listenIP           string
    listenPort         int
    metricPath         string
    collectionInterval int
    serviceName        string


Title = "WMI Exporter Configuration"

    enabled = true
    endpoint = "my.consul.server"
    port = 5500
    datacenter = "ucm-west"
    serviceID = "ucm.agent.wmiExporter"

    enabled = true
    awsregion = "us-west-2"

    enabled = true
    refreshPeriod = 3600

    goCollectionEnabled = true
    exporterCollectionEnabled = true
    wmiCollectionEnabled = true
    agentCollectionEnabled = false
    enabledCollectors   = "cpu,os"
        wmiMetricName = ["test"]
        exportName = "export_test"

    listenPort =  9103
    metricPath = "/metrics"
    collectionInterval = 60
    serviceName = "wmi_exporter"


// InitializeFromConfig reads configuration parameters from configuration file and initializes this service
func InitializeFromConfig(configfile string) ConfigurationParameters {
    conf := ConfigurationParameters{}

    if configfile == "" {
        return conf

    _, err := toml.DecodeFile(configfile, &conf)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Cannot parse configuration file at %s. Error=%s", configfile, err)
    //at this point, conf is a fully loaded configuration now; now initialize everything from conf
    return conf

我面临的问题是只有Title属性的值被映射到GO结构成员。所有其他配置保持未映射。查看github上BurntSushi和(Go) How to use toml files?的所有示例,我看不出我目前在代码中所做的任何差异。



Title                                             String
ServiceDiscovery                                  Hash
    ServiceDiscovery.enabled                      Bool
    ServiceDiscovery.endpoint                     String
    ServiceDiscovery.port                         Integer
    ServiceDiscovery.datacenter                   String
    ServiceDiscovery.serviceID                    String
MetadataReporting                                 Hash
    MetadataReporting.enabled                     Bool
    MetadataReporting.awsregion                   String
AwsTagsToLabels                                   Hash
    AwsTagsToLabels.enabled                       Bool
    AwsTagsToLabels.refreshPeriod                 Integer
Collectors                                        Hash
    Collectors.goCollectionEnabled                Bool
    Collectors.exporterCollectionEnabled          Bool
    Collectors.wmiCollectionEnabled               Bool
    Collectors.agentCollectionEnabled             Bool
    Collectors.enabledCollectors                  String
        Collectors.MetricMap.0                    Hash
            Collectors.MetricMap.0.wmiMetricName  Array
            Collectors.MetricMap.0.exportName     String
Service                                           Hash
    Service.listenPort                            Integer
    Service.metricPath                            String
    Service.collectionInterval                    Integer
    Service.serviceName                           String




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您需要导出要将#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char email[40], first[20],last[20],host[30],name[40]; int firstDot,atSymbol; int i; int length; char *token; printf("Enter the email= "); gets(email); length = strlen(email); for(i=0;i<length;i++){ if(email[i]=='.') { firstDot = i; } else if(email[i]=='@') { atSymbol = i; } } strncpy(name,email,atSymbol); name[atSymbol]= '\0'; token = strtok(name, "."); /* walk through other tokens */ while( token != NULL ) { printf( "%s\n", token ); token = strtok(NULL, "."); } strncpy(host,email+atSymbol,length-atSymbol); host[length-atSymbol] = '\0'; puts(host); } 解组的任何字段,包括子字段:


此外,我不确定这个//ConfigurationParameters provides the struct to hold configuration parameters from config file type ConfigurationParameters struct { Title string //serviceDiscovery captures configuration parameters needed for service discovery registration with Consul ServiceDiscovery ConsulConf `toml:"ServiceDiscovery"` //metadataReporting captures which metadata to be registered with service into consul for use during discovery MetadataReporting MetaDataConf `toml:"MetadataReporting"` //awsTagsToLabels captures the aws tags that should be added to reported metrics as Labels AwsTagsToLabels LabelConf `toml:"AwsTagsToLabels"` //collectors captures the list of collectors to use Collectors CollectorConf `toml:"Collectors"` //service captures agent related configurations Service ServiceConf `toml:"Service"` } //ConsulConf captures configuration parameters needed for service discovery registration with Consul type ConsulConf struct { Enabled bool Endpoint string Port int Datacenter string ServiceID string } //MetaDataConf captures which metadata to be registered with service into consul for use during discovery type MetaDataConf struct { Enabled bool Awsregion string } //LabelConf captures the aws tags that should be added to reported metrics as Labels type LabelConf struct { Enabled bool RefreshPeriod int } //CollectorConf captures the list of collectors to use type CollectorConf struct { GoCollectionEnabled bool ExporterCollectionEnabled bool WmiCollectionEnabled bool AgentCollectionEnabled bool EnabledCollectors string MetricMap []MetricMap } //MetricMap captures a mapping between one or more WMI metrics and the name it should be reported with type MetricMap struct { WmiMetricName []string ExportName string DropMetric bool ComputedMetric bool ComputeLogic string } //ServiceConf captures agent related configurations type ServiceConf struct { ListenIP string ListenPort int MetricPath string CollectionInterval int ServiceName string } 语法应该表示什么,而是将您的toml值解组到Collectors.MetricMap.0字段中 你想要做的是这样的事情:
