text = open("Register.txt",'rt') #opens the Register text file
Register = text.read()
length = len(Register)
lines = Register.splitlines() #Breaks the .txt file down into their own lines
for line in lines: #searches each line for the following statement
if line.find("Per End")!=-1: #searches each line for the ("*") item and asks if it is True
nameline = Register.index(line)
namebegin = nameline-15
print nameline
print Register[namebegin:nameline]
文本中约有60人,此代码仅列出第一个60次。每一个都跟着“Per End”,这就是为什么我用它来找到文本中的人。从那里它应该找到索引并减去几个项目,以确保整个名称输出。