Haskell howManyAboveAverage无法匹配类型错误

时间:2017-04-04 15:38:01

标签: haskell

我是Haskell初学者,目前正在通过The Craft of Functional Programming 2nd Edition工作。本书中的一个练习要求我编写一个averageThree函数,我已经使用averageThree函数编写了一个howManyAboveAverage函数。



averageThree :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Float
averageThree a b c = fromIntegral (a + b + c) / 3

howManyAverageThree :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
howManyAverageThree a b c = length $ filter (> avg) the_three
    where avg = averageThree a b c
          the_three = fromIntegral <$> [a,b,c]


[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( average.hs, interpreted )

average.hs:7:36: Not in scope: `<$>'
Failed, modules loaded: none.


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在Haskell,indentation does matter。您需要匹配where子句中的缩进:

howManyAverageThree :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
howManyAverageThree a b c = length $ filter (> avg) the_three
    where avg = averageThree a b c
          the_three = fromIntegral[a b c]

编辑: 在您对问题进行修改后,您需要更仔细地查看the_three的定义:

the_three = fromIntegral[a b c]

fromIntegral的类型为:: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

如果您希望the_three成为数字列表,则需要做一些事情。 首先,您的列表构造需要,里面的内容。其次,您需要在该列表的每个元素上映射fromIntegral

import Control.Applicative((<$>))

the_three = fromIntegral <$> [a,b,c]