
时间:2017-04-04 14:51:03

标签: php sockets

我必须向UDP套接字服务器发送一些命令并获得重放,下面的代码工作正常,这是c / c ++,我从服务器使用它获得成功的响应。

typedef struct{
        unsigned char    type;            //type
        char             unsignedfunctionID;     
        unsigned short   reserved;     //Reserved
        int              unsignediDevSn;    // serial number 4-byte
        unsigned char    data [32];     // 32 bytes of data
        unsigned int     sequenceId;     // serial number
        unsigned char    extern_data [20]; 



PacketShortAccess statusCommand;
    statusCommand.reserved=0;     //Reserved
    statusCommand.unsignediDevSn=serialNumebr;   serial number 4-byte

    char sendData[sizeof(statusCommand)];
    memcpy(sendData, &statusCommand, sizeof(statusCommand));
    sendto(sockfd,sendData,sizeof(sendData),0,(struct sockaddr *)&servaddr,sizeof(servaddr));



//this the command format I am getting while printing on c++ code
$command="19 ffb0 0 0 ff88 d 38 19 ffd0 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ";
socket_sendto($sock, $command, strlen($command) , 0 , $server , $port)

但是我没有从服务器得到任何响应,我可以在php上重写上面的c ++代码。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

对于结构而言,PHP并不像C ++那样优雅,只是它的类型松散。随着PHP 7& E的引入,情况有所改善。 7.1,但仍然没有C ++那么严格。下面大致相当于C ++结构。

您发送的数据似乎没有意义,因此您需要首先了解c ++中的类型是什么意思,我不会对此进行扩展,但如果您需要,可以看到此异地资源{{ 3}}



class PacketShortAccess {

    /** @var int */
    private $type;

    /** @var int */
    private $unsignedFunctionID;

    /** @var int */
    private $reserved = 0;

    /** @var int */
    private $unsignediDevSn;

    /** @var string */
    private $data;

    /** @var int */
    private $sequenceId;

    /** @var string */
    private $externData;

     * @return string
    public function getType()
        return $this->type;

     * @param int $type
     * @return PacketShortAccess
     * @throws Exception
    public function setType($type)
        if (
            false === is_int($type) ||
            $type < 0 ||
            $type > 255
        ) {
            throw new \Exception('setType expected an unsigned char in the range of 0-255');
        $this->type = $type;
        return $this;

     * @return string
    public function getUnsignedFunctionID()
        return $this->unsignedFunctionID;

     * @param int $unsignedFunctionID
     * @return PacketShortAccess
     * @throws Exception
    public function setUnsignedFunctionID($unsignedFunctionID)
        if (
            false === is_int($unsignedFunctionID) ||
            $unsignedFunctionID < 0 ||
            $unsignedFunctionID > 255
        ) {
            throw new \Exception('setUnsignedFunctionID expected an unsigned char in the range of 0-255');
        $this->unsignedFunctionID = $unsignedFunctionID;
        return $this;

     * @return int
    public function getReserved()
        return $this->reserved;

     * @param int $reserved
     * @return PacketShortAccess
     * @throws Exception
    public function setReserved($reserved)
        if (
            false === is_int($reserved) ||
            $reserved < 0 ||
            $reserved > 65535
        ) {
            throw new \Exception('setReserved expected an unsigned short in the range of 0-65535');
        $this->reserved = $reserved;
        return $this;

     * @return int
    public function getUnsignediDevSn()
        return $this->unsignediDevSn;

     * @param int $unsignediDevSn
     * @return PacketShortAccess
     * @throws Exception
    public function setUnsignediDevSn($unsignediDevSn)
        if (
            false === is_int($unsignediDevSn) ||
            $unsignediDevSn < -2147483648 ||
            $unsignediDevSn > 2147483647
        ) {
            throw new \Exception('setUnsignediDevSn expected a signed int in the range of -2147483648-2147483647');
        $this->unsignediDevSn = $unsignediDevSn;
        return $this;

     * @return string
    public function getData()
        return $this->data;

     * @param string $data
     * @return PacketShortAccess
     * @throws Exception
    public function setData($data)
        if (
            false === is_string($data) ||
            strlen($data) > 32
        ) {
            throw new \Exception('setData expected a string in the range of 0-32 characters');
        $this->data = $data;
        return $this;

     * @return int
    public function getSequenceId()
        return $this->sequenceId;

     * @param int $sequenceId
     * @return PacketShortAccess
     * @throws Exception
    public function setSequenceId($sequenceId)
        if (
            false === is_int($sequenceId) ||
            $sequenceId < 0 ||
            $sequenceId > 4294967295
        ) {
            throw new \Exception('setSequenceId expected a signed int in the range of 0-4294967295');
        $this->sequenceId = $sequenceId;
        return $this;

     * @return string
    public function getExternData()
        return $this->externData;

     * @param string $externData
     * @return PacketShortAccess
     * @throws Exception
    public function setExternData($externData)
        if (
            false === is_string($externData) ||
            strlen($externData) > 20
        ) {
            throw new \Exception('setExternData expected a string in the range of 0-20 characters');
        $this->externData = $externData;
        return $this;

     * @return string
    public function __toString()
        return sprintf(
            '%d %s %d %d % 32s %d % 20s',



$packetShortAccess = new PacketShortAccess;


echo "'" . (string)$packetShortAccess . "'"; // quotes added so you can see whitespace.


'25 32 0 128495                                  0                     '