
时间:2017-04-04 12:21:37

标签: r nls non-linear-regression

我使用nlfb包中的nlmrt执行了NLS回归。同 theta_scaled是我的初始参数向量

> theta_scaled
[1]   0.60000    0.73624   -0.77962  


results.nlmrt <-nlfb(start = theta_scaled, resfn = residuals_function, jacfn = NULL, trace = TRUE, lower = rep(-1, 3), upper = rep(1, 3), control = list(ndstep = 1e-5))


> results.nlmrt
nlmrt class object: x 
residual sumsquares =  7929.7  on  292 observations
    after  5    Jacobian and  19 function evaluations
 name         coeff          SE       tstat      pval      gradient    JSingval   
    a      0.999997        0.5262        1.9    0.05838      -6.343       403.5  
    b      0.707415       0.07837      9.027          0       323.8       67.68  
    c     -0.631532       0.01454     -43.44          0       894.8       9.951  





#G. Grothendieck's answer

# setup and run nlfb example
shobbs.res  <-  function(x) {
    if(length(x) != 3) stop("hobbs.res -- parameter vector n!=3")
    tt  <-  1:12
    res  <-  100.0*x[1]/(1+x[2]*10.*exp(-0.1*x[3]*tt)) - y
y  <-  c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 
          38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972)
st  <-  c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1)
low  <-  -Inf
up <- Inf    
ans1n <- nlfb(st, shobbs.res)

# get nls object
ans <- nls2(y ~ shobbs.res(c(b1, b2, b3)) + y, start = coef(ans1n), alg = "brute")

# my additions
# confidence intervals don't seem to work
> confint(ans)
Waiting for profiling to be done...
Error in prof$getProfile() : 'control$maxiter' absent

# apparently, there were convergence issues:
 > ans
Nonlinear regression model
  model: y ~ shobbs.res(c(b1, b2, b3)) + y
   data: NULL
   b1    b2    b3 
1.962 4.909 3.136 
 residual sum-of-squares: 2.587

Number of iterations to convergence: 3 
Achieved convergence tolerance: NA

# even if I try to access the object's attributes, I can't find what I'm looking for
> str(ans)
List of 3
 $ m       :List of 16
  ..$ resid     :function ()  
  ..$ fitted    :function ()  
  ..$ formula   :function ()  
  ..$ deviance  :function ()  
  ..$ lhs       :function ()  
  ..$ gradient  :function ()  
  ..$ conv      :function ()  
  ..$ incr      :function ()  
  ..$ setVarying:function (vary = rep_len(TRUE, length(useParams)))  
  ..$ setPars   :function (newPars)  
  ..$ getPars   :function ()  
  ..$ getAllPars:function ()  
  ..$ getEnv    :function ()  
  ..$ trace     :function ()  
  ..$ Rmat      :function ()  
  ..$ predict   :function (newdata = list(), qr = FALSE)  
  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "nlsModel"
 $ call    : language nls2(formula = y ~ shobbs.res(c(b1, b2, b3)) + y, start = coef(ans1n), algorithm = "brute")
 $ convInfo:List of 3
  ..$ isConv : logi TRUE
  ..$ finIter: int 3
  ..$ finTol : logi NA
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "nls"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

运行mysql> select id,max(value),bar from foo group by id having max(value); | id | max(value) | bar | +----+------------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 后尝试运行nls




请注意,这实际上并不是将对象从nlfb转换为nls,而是从library(nlmrt) # setup and run nlfb example shobbs.res <- function(x) 100.0*x[1]/(1+x[2]*10.*exp(-0.1*x[3]*seq(12))) - y y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972) st <- c(b1=1, b2=1, b3=1) ans1n <- nlfb(st, shobbs.res) print(coef(ans1n)) ## ## b1 b2 b3 ## 1.9619 4.9092 3.1357 ## attr(,"pkgname") ## [1] "nlmrt" # get nls object ans <- nls(y ~ shobbs.res(c(b1, b2, b3)) + y, start = coef(ans1n)) confint(ans) ## Waiting for profiling to be done... ## 2.5% 97.5% ## b1 1.742980 2.272051 ## b2 4.563383 5.357094 ## b3 2.981855 3.292911 找到的值开始执行第二次优化,从而产生不同的值,但这可能就足够了。

