绘制和擦除圆弧 - 使用JavaScript或CSS进行圆弧动画

时间:2017-04-03 12:31:59

标签: javascript css canvas svg html5-canvas


enter image description here

应逐步绘制第一个Arc CA,然后逐步删除它。然后应该绘制并擦除弧AB,然后弧BC也应该这样做。然后重复一遍。




			var currentEndAngle = 0;
			var currentStartAngle = 0;
			var currentColor = 'black';
			var lineRadius = 300;
			var lineWidth = 5;

			setInterval(draw, 5);

			function draw() { 

			    var can = document.getElementById('canvas1'); // GET LE CANVAS
			    var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas1");
			    var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
			    var x = canvas.width / 2;
			    var y = canvas.height / 2;
			    var radius;
			    var width;

			    var startAngle = currentStartAngle * Math.PI;
			    var endAngle = (currentEndAngle) * Math.PI;
			    currentStartAngle = currentEndAngle - 0.01;
			    currentEndAngle = currentEndAngle + 0.01;
			    if (Math.floor(currentStartAngle / 2) % 2) {
			      currentColor = "white";
			      radius = lineRadius - 1;
			      width = lineWidth + 3;
			    } else {
			      currentColor = "black";
			      radius = lineRadius;
			      width = lineWidth;
			    var counterClockwise = false;

			    context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterClockwise);
			    context.lineWidth = width;
			    // line color
			    context.strokeStyle = currentColor;

            body {
				text-align: center;
                background: blue;
			#canvas1 {
				width: 500px;
				height: 500px;
				margin: 0 auto;
<canvas id="canvas1" width="700" height="700"></canvas>



	circle {
	  fill: transparent;
	  stroke: black;
	  stroke-width: 2;
	  stroke-dasharray: 250;
	  stroke-dashoffset: 0;
	  animation: rotate 5s linear infinite;

	@keyframes rotate {
	  0% {
	    stroke-dashoffset: 500;
	  100% {
	    stroke-dashoffset: 0;
<svg height="400" width="400">
  <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="40" />




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)






circle {
  fill: transparent;
  stroke: black;
  stroke-width: 2;
  animation: rotate 5s linear infinite;

@keyframes rotate {
  0%    { stroke-dasharray: 0 0      0     83.78   0     83.78   0     83.78; }
  16.7% { stroke-dasharray: 0 0      0     83.78  83.78   0      0     83.78; }
  33.3% { stroke-dasharray: 0 0      0    167.55   0      0      0     83.78; }
  50%   { stroke-dasharray: 0 0      0     83.78   0     83.78  83.78   0;    }
  66.6% { stroke-dasharray: 0 0      0     83.78   0    167.55   0      0;    }
  83.3% { stroke-dasharray: 0 0     83.78   0      0     83.78   0     83.78; }
  100%  { stroke-dasharray: 0 83.78  0      0      0     83.78   0     83.78; }
<svg height="400" width="400">
  <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="40" />

答案 1 :(得分:2)





// settings
var divisions = 3;
var duration = 3000; // in ms
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas1");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var x = canvas.width / 2;
var y = canvas.height / 2;
var radius = (canvas.width / 7) * 2;
context.lineWidth = 4;

// init
var currentSplit = 0;
var splitAngle = (Math.PI * 2) / divisions;
var splitTime = (duration / (divisions*2)); // how much time per split per end
var angles = [0,0]; // here we store both start and end angle
var current = 0;
var startTime = performance.now();

function draw(currentTime) {
  // first convert the elapsed time to an angle
  var timedAngle =  ((currentTime - startTime) / splitTime) * splitAngle;
  // set the current end to this timed angle + the current position on the circle
  angles[current] = timedAngle + (splitAngle * currentSplit);

  if (timedAngle >= splitAngle) {  // one split is done for this end
    // it should not go farther than the threshold
    angles[current] = (splitAngle * (currentSplit + 1));
    current = +(!current) // switch which end should move
    startTime = currentTime; // reset the timer

    if(!current){ // we go back to the start
      currentSplit = (currentSplit + 1) % divisions; // increment our split index

  if(angles[1] > Math.PI*2){ // we finished one complete revolution
    angles[0] = angles[1] = current = 0; // reset everything
  // at every frame we clear everything
  context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  // and redraw
  context.arc(x, y, radius, angles[0], angles[1], true);

  requestAnimationFrame(draw); // loop at screen refresh rate
body {
  text-align: center;

#canvas1 {
  width: 250px;
  height: 150px;
<canvas id="canvas1" width="500" height="300"></canvas>

答案 2 :(得分:1)


Canvas,(或CSS,HTML,SVG)与javascript相结合,总是胜过CSS,SVG,HTML,因为Javascript更具适应性。 HTML,CSS和SVG是声明性语言,而JavaScript是一种功能齐全的命令式语言,可以执行任何其他编程语言所能做的任何事情。





<div class="segmentedProgress"></div>
<!-- showing defaults as above element will be setup -->
<div class="segmentedProgress" 
      data-angle-steps = 3      <!-- number of segments. (integers only) -->
      data-speed = 1000         <!-- Time per segment in ms -->
      data-easing = "1.2"       <!-- easing power -->
      data-line-width = "0.1"   <!-- as fraction of radius -->
      data-radial-size = "0.33" <!-- as fraction of shortest dimension -->
      data-color = "black"      <!-- colour of line -->




document.addEventListener("load", function(){
    var elements = [...document.body.querySelectorAll(".segmentedProgress")];
    if(elements.length === 0){  // exit if nothing found
    // singleton to isolate from onload 
        const error = 0.01; // Math too perfect causes zero len arc to draw nothing. Error makes sure there is always some length in the drawn arc
        const items = [];  // array of progress items

        // each progress item defaults
        var defaults = {
            angleSteps : 3,  // number of segments. (integers only)
            speed : 1000,  // Time per segment in ms
            easing : 1.2, // easing power where 1 = no easing 2 = normal quadratic easing 1/2= inverse quadratic easing
            lineWidth : 0.1, // as fraction of radius
            radialSize : 0.33,// as fraction of shortest dimension
            color : "black",  // colour of line
            complete : false, // not used
            resize () { // resize the canvas and set size dependent vars
                this.bounds = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
                this.w = this.canvas.width = this.bounds.width;
                this.h = this.canvas.height = this.bounds.height;
                this.canvas.style.top = (this.bounds.top + scrollY) + "px";  
                this.canvas.style.left = (this.bounds.left + scrollX) + "px";
                this.pos = { x : this.w / 2, y : this.h / 2}; // position of circle 
                this.radius = Math.min(this.w, this.h) * this.radialSize;    // radius of circle

                // set canvas state constants
                this.ctx.lineCap = "round";    
            update (time) { // updates and renders
                var segStart, segProgress, pp, ctx, ang;

                ctx = this.ctx; // alias to this.ctx

                // clear the canvas
                ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.w, this.h);

                // get current selment angle
                ang = Math.PI * 2 / this.angleSteps, // Radians per segment

                // set the time at the correct speed
                time /= this.speed;

                // get the segment start position in radians
                segStart = Math.floor(time % this.angleSteps) * ang;

                // get the unit progress of this stage doubled for grow and shrink stages
                var segProgress = (time % 1) * 2;
                var pp = segProgress % 1;  // pp partial progress
                pp = (pp ** this.easing) / ((pp ** this.easing) + (1 - pp) ** this.easing); // add some easing


                // first half of progress is growth
                if(segProgress <= 1){
                    ctx.arc(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.radius, segStart, segStart + pp * ang + error);
                    // second half of progress is shrink
                    ctx.arc(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.radius, segStart + pp * ang - error, segStart + ang);
                ctx.strokeStyle = this.color;
                ctx.lineWidth  = this.radius * this.lineWidth;

        // create prgress item for each found element
        elements.forEach(element => {
            var pItem = {...defaults}; // progress item
            pItem.element = element;
            // get any element setting that overwrite the defaults
            Object.keys(defaults).forEach(key => {
                if(typeof defaults[key] !== "function"){
                    if(element.dataset[key] !== undefined){
                        pItem[key] = element.dataset[key];
                        if(! isNaN(element.dataset[key])){
                            pItem[key] = Number(pItem[key]);
            pItem.canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
            pItem.ctx = pItem.canvas.getContext("2d");
            pItem.canvas.style.position = "absolute";
        elements.length = 0; // let go of elements

        // change size on resize
        window.addEventListener("resize", () =>{
            items.forEach(pItem => pItem.resize());

        // start the animation

        // main update loop
        function update (time) {
            items.forEach(pItem => {


    var elements = [...document.body.querySelectorAll(".segmentedProgress")];
    if (elements.length === 0) { return }
    (function () {
        const error = 0.001; // Math too perfect causes zero len arc to draw nothing. Error makes sure there is always some length in the drawn arc
        const items = [];  // array of progress items
        var defaults = {
            angleSteps : 3,  // number of segments. (integers only)
            speed : 1000,  // Time per segment in ms
            easing : 1.2, // easing power where 1 = no easing 2 = normal quadratic easing 1/2= inverse quadratic easing
            lineWidth : 0.1, // as fraction of radius
            radialSize : 0.33,// as fraction of shortest dimension
            color : "black",  // colour of line
            complete : false, // not used
            resize () { // resize the canvas and set size dependent vars
                this.bounds = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
                this.w = this.canvas.width = this.bounds.width;
                this.h = this.canvas.height = this.bounds.height;
                this.canvas.style.top = (this.bounds.top + scrollY) + "px";  
                this.canvas.style.left = (this.bounds.left + scrollX) + "px";
                this.pos = { x : this.w / 2, y : this.h / 2}; // position of circle 
                this.radius = Math.min(this.w, this.h) * this.radialSize;    // radius of circle
                this.ctx.lineCap = "round";    
            update (time) { // updates and renders
                var segStart, segProgress, pp, ctx, ang;
                ctx = this.ctx; // alias to this.ctx
                ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.w, this.h);
                ang = Math.PI * 2 / this.angleSteps, // Radians per segment
                time /= this.speed;
                segStart = Math.floor(time % this.angleSteps) * ang;
                var segProgress = (time % 1) * 2;
                var pp = segProgress % 1;  // pp partial progress
                // babel can not handle the following line even though most
                // browsers can
                // pp = (pp ** this.easing) / ((pp ** this.easing) + (1 - pp) ** this.easing); // add some easing
                // to cover babel error
                pp = Math.pow(pp,this.easing) / (Math.pow(pp,this.easing) + Math.pow(1 - pp, this.easing)); // add some easing
                if(segProgress <= 1){
                    ctx.arc(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.radius, segStart, segStart + pp * ang + error);
                    ctx.arc(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.radius, segStart + pp * ang - error, segStart + ang);
                ctx.strokeStyle = this.color;
                ctx.lineWidth  = this.radius * this.lineWidth;
        elements.forEach(element => {
            var pItem = {...defaults}; // progress item
            pItem.element = element;
            Object.keys(defaults).forEach(key => {
                if(typeof defaults[key] !== "function"){
                    if(element.dataset[key] !== undefined){
                        pItem[key] = element.dataset[key];
                        if(! isNaN(element.dataset[key])){
                            pItem[key] = Number(pItem[key]);
            pItem.canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
            pItem.ctx = pItem.canvas.getContext("2d");
            pItem.canvas.style.position = "absolute";
        elements.length = 0; 
        window.addEventListener("resize", () =>{ items.forEach(pItem => pItem.resize()) });
        function update (time) {
            items.forEach(pItem => { pItem.update(time) });
.segmentedProgress {
  width : 100px;
  height : 100px;
.big {
  width : 200px;
  height : 200px;
.large {
  width : 512px;
  height : 512px;
  background : #4AF;
4 segment fast.
<div class="segmentedProgress" data-color="red" data-speed ="250" data-line-width="0.3" data-angle-steps=4   ></div>
Default Progress
<div class="segmentedProgress" ></div>
Big progress
<div class="big segmentedProgress" data-color="blue" data-speed ="2500" data-line-width="0.3" data-angle-steps=2  ></div>
60 Seconds two overlap

<div class="large segmentedProgress" data-color="white" data-speed ="1000" data-line-width="0.02" data-angle-steps=60  >
<div class="large segmentedProgress" data-color="white" data-speed ="1000" data-line-width="0.02" data-angle-steps=2  data-radial-size = "0.34">