
时间:2017-04-03 10:44:46

标签: awk




WHEN EXTRACT(month FROM ? + INTERVAL '1 day') > EXTRACT(month FROM ?)



VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111] 7
VALID_PATH :  [102, 81, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111] 7
VALID_PATH :  [102, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111] 7
VALID_PATH :  [102, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111]  7
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111] 8
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111]  8
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 109, 23, 125, 110, 111]    8
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 127, 6, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111] 9
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 127, 88, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111]    9
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 110, 111]    9
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 110, 111] 9
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 127, 6, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111] 10
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 127, 6, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111]  10
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 127, 6, 112, 109, 23, 125, 110, 111]    10

我可以使用awk来获得最低价值" 7"从最后一列使用如下代码:

102, 80, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111
102, 81, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111
102, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111
102, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111


awk 'BEGIN{getline;min=max=$NF}
END{print min,max}' File-1.txt



5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


$ sort -t\] -nk 2 your_file |awk '$NF!=L && L{exit}{L=$NF;print $2}' FS='[][]'
102, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111
102, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111
102, 80, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111
102, 81, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111

答案 1 :(得分:2)


awk -F'[][]' '
   # init counter
   NR == 1 { m = $3 + 1 }

   # add or replace content into the buffer if counter is lower or equal
   $3 <= m { b = ( $3 == m ? b "\n" : "" ) $2; m = $3 }

   # at the end, print buffer
   END { print b }
   ' YourFile

答案 2 :(得分:1)


awk '{
Q=$NF;                    ##### Making last field of Input_file as NULL.
gsub(/.*\[|\]/,"");       ##### Using global substitution functionality of awk to remove everything till [ and then remove ] from the line as per your required output.
$NF="";                   ##### Nullifying the last column of each line as you don't need them in your output.
A[Q]=A[Q]?A[Q] ORS $0:$0; ##### creating an array named A whose index is Q variable(whose value is already assigned previously to last column), creating array A with index Q and concatenating it's value in itself.
MIN=MIN<Q?(MIN?MIN:Q):Q}  ##### Creating a variable named MIN(to get the minimum last value of each line) and comparing it's value to each line's last field and keeping the minimum value in it as per requirement.
END{print A[MIN]}         ##### In end block of code printing the value of array A whose index is variable MIN to print all the lines whose index is variable named MIN.
' Input_file              ##### Mentioning the Input_file here.



function observeModalName() {
  var save = $('#modalSaveName');
  $('#modalNewName').off('keyup').on('keyup', function() {
    var self = $(this);
    if (self.val().length < 5) {
      self.error({message: 'Name must be at least 5 characters long'});
    } else {

答案 3 :(得分:1)


awk -F'[][]' 'FNR==NR{if(min > $NF || min==""){ min=$NF} next }
     $NF==min{ print $2 }' file file


awk -F'[][]' 'FNR==NR{                           # This block we read file 
                                                 # and will find whats minimum                                                 
             if(min > $NF || min==""){ 
                min=$NF                          # NF gives no of fields, assign the value of $NF to variable min 
     $NF==min{                                   # Here we read file 2nd time, if last field value is equal to minimum
              print $2 
     }' file file


$ cat file
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111] 7
VALID_PATH :  [102, 81, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111] 7
VALID_PATH :  [102, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111] 7
VALID_PATH :  [102, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111]  7
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111] 8
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111]  8
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 109, 23, 125, 110, 111]    8
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 127, 6, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111] 9
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 127, 88, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111]    9
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 110, 111]    9
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 110, 111] 9
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 127, 6, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111] 10
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 127, 6, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111]  10
VALID_PATH :  [102, 80, 127, 6, 112, 109, 23, 125, 110, 111]    10


$ awk -F'[][]' 'FNR==NR{ if(min > $NF || min==""){ min=$NF } next }
       $NF==min{ print $2 }' file file
102, 80, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111
102, 81, 112, 109, 23, 125, 111
102, 112, 37, 109, 23, 125, 111
102, 112, 37, 56, 23, 125, 111

答案 4 :(得分:1)

$ awk -F'[][]' -vmin=99999 '$NF<=min{min=$NF;print $2}'
  1. -F'[][]'将FS设置为regexp [][],表示&#34;或[或]&#34;,即您的输入字符串将在3个字段中分割。
  2. -vmin=99999将变量min设置为99999。在这个变量中将存储最后一个字段的最小值
  3. $NF <= min {min = $NF; print $2}如果当前最后一个字段小于或等于然后存储在变量min中, 然后更新min,并输出我们需要的内容。