我正在通过MS查询和Macro Enabled Spreadsheet执行存储过程。
当我在SQL Server中执行存储过程时,它会正确执行:
LEFT('All hospitality goods, equipment, and or items described in the Rental Agreement to the debtor supplied from time to time by Silver Chef Rentals Limited - ' + Cast(ad.SerialNumber as varchar) + ' - ' + ad.AssetDescription,199) AS CollateralItemDescription
, 'All hospitality goods, equipment, and or items described in the Rental Agreement to the debtor supplied from time to time by Silver Chef Rentals Limited - ' + CAST(ad.AssetTag as varchar) + ' - ' + ad.AssetDescription as CollateralItemLongDescription
, LEN ('All hospitality goods, equipment, and or items described in the Rental Agreement to the debtor supplied from time to time by Silver Chef Rentals Limited - ' + STUFF((SELECT ', ' + ad2.SerialNumber + ' - ' + ad2.AssetDescription FROM AssetDescription ad2 WHERE rf.ContractNo = ad2.ContractId FOR XML PATH(''), type).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'),1,1,'')) AS LongDescriptionCount