Mysql column count doesn't Match value count (but it does!)

时间:2017-04-02 00:42:31

标签: mysql mysql-error-1136

I am running the following procedure in mysql:

create procedure addSavingAccount(id int(10), account_number varchar(10))
insert into saving values(id,'savings', account_number, 0);
end //

However, when I try to call it, it gives me this error:

mysql> call addSavingAccount(103, 'B505');
ERROR 1136 (21S01): Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

I checked on anything that could be linked to it, including triggers. But everything seems like it should be working. Here is my list of triggers:

create trigger balance_change_saving after update on saving for each row
if old.balance != new.balance

insert into balance_update_history values(null, 'saving', new.account_number, old.balance, new.balance,
                                            (SELECT NOW()), (select USER()));
end if;

create trigger balance_insert_saving after insert on saving for each row
insert into balance_update_history values(null, 'saving', new.account_number, 0, new.balance, (select now()), 
                                            (select user())); 
end //

create trigger balance_delete_saving after delete on saving for each row
insert into balance_update_history values(null, null, null, old.balance, null,
                                        (SELECT NOW()), (select USER()));
end //

And here is where I define the table:

create table if not exists saving(account_number varchar(10) , customer_id int(10), balance decimal(8,2), primary key(account_number));

I'd just really like to to figure this out.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

根据您的表创建语句有三列,而不是四列。 (该插入中的最后一个0是什么?)
